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RE: VeganWednesday: Playing Fetch With Wild Dolphins and my Semi-Vegan Philosophy :) Do Our Human Lives Mimic Our Treatment of Other Life?

in #philosophy8 years ago

lovely post.. and SO happy to see you joined us on the ecoTrain! Animals are SO smart and in tune its incredible. They put us to shame really! THose who have pets of almost any kind come to learn how smart they are.. i mean, i can TALK to my dog and he talks back and understand me!!

Two days ago i was crossing the road in India and this big ol Goat comes walking across. Goats have loads of character! As soon as I saw him I connected with him and said hi in a friendly tone. You could see he got it immediately and came straight to me and started rubbing himself up against me.. I have the same thing with cats, and dogs. They often come running up to me for a cuddle even without prompting.. THey know. THey are not only intelligent but very psychic and in tune with the cosmic consciousness..

One of my favorite things to do is feed any animal. I can do that all day long.. and have done! My dog is very lucky lets just say that!

Great theme.. love it! thanks for reminding us how amazing animals are.. and how nearly all countries treat them so horrifically. It is one of the greatest crimes of humanity really, even if you say it's natural to eat meat. .. it ISNT natural to treat animals the way we do.


Yes! Absolutely!

"THey are not only intelligent but very psychic and in tune with the cosmic consciousness.."

They also are very capable inter-dimensional travelers. I don't believe most animals are wasting their time when they're "sleeping" ;)

"even if you say it's natural to eat meat. .. it ISNT natural to treat animals the way we do."

Absolutely! Also, I don't believe it's natural to eat meat. I believe it was only meant to be a source of energy as a last resort and with great respect towards the life taken. But, that is just me! When I was moving away from meat, at first it was to avoid the factory farmed meat and I believed 'free range' was better. But, after several attempts at trying to incorporate this, my body and mind just kept rejecting it altogether. I now have my own understanding to why that was :)

Further, how long have you been in India? What are you doing there? We are considering India as a potential home for Our NeighbourGood if Bali doesn't sort out. I'd love to know your thoughts on that!

i like what you say.. and agree.. well mostly! SOme people really do need to eat meat but that is not me or you! As we rise up our vibration then we naturally stop desiring it.. and then it is even bad for us.. ive had some great Vegan workshops and also learned how were really not equipt to deal with eating large amounts of meat.

I like how Indians balance it.. Its very common here that people eat meat once or twice a week.. and that is a special occasion.. ANyone who has had a good curry knows that you dont really miss the meat when you cook well!

Ive been here since 2006.. so around 11 years now.. more or less full time.. id say 80% im here on the mountain!
India is amazing.. and perhaps suited to you in many ways..

no where is perfect though and India does have its fair share of issues.. For you that may be a simple as not being able to buy or own land .. so even basic security might be an issue.. Personally i took a risk and have a lifetime lease.. that may or may not be honored.. who knows. for me its ok.. i prefer to go with the 'luck' and take a chance rather than not get to try al all..

NOrth and south are Very different.. That would be your first choice in india.. Feel free to ask more!

"Ive been here since 2006.. so around 11 years now.. more or less full time.. id say 80% im here on the mountain!
India is amazing.. and perhaps suited to you in many ways.."

Does said mountain have access to a natural untainted spring?! If so, I'm there! I would love to come visit. We are planning a trip to india in the coming months to see what is all about! We are on the hunt for a piece of land to make our home.

"Personally i took a risk and have a lifetime lease.. that may or may not be honored.. "

At the root of it, this is the same condition everywhere in the globe. Personally, I don't see any higher risk in it...

I want tropical, I want semi-secluded, I want high rainfall, I want a spring. That is all. Not so much ;)

we are lucky with water in many ways. we DO have a private spring.. its pretty good water but a bit brown! I use a good water RO UV machine for the kitchen. I have to finish my gravel and sand filter outside to clean it up a bit really!

What an exciting search you have on! india is MASSIVE.. maybe i can help guide you a bit.. do you know what you are looking for??

What you describe does sound like Kodaikanal! Alternately in the north at the right altitude can be pretty stunning! Very different world..

Would love to see you one day here.. bring Steemit to reality a bit!

YES! I would love that as well! Assuming you're in Kodaikanal, I'll have to make that a stop! A private spring is fantastic. Tell me, is there a waterfall or forest or lake within a reasonable walking/trecking distance? If so, expect us there in january or february!!

um.. YES ;-) waterfall,, CHECK.. private yes! It has a small knee deep pool with it.. Very nice little spot!

and huge forests just 10 minutes up the hill.. LOt of eucalyptous.. full of animals big and small!