Okay, it got worse

in #philosophy2 years ago

Hey y'all. Look, I really, really underestimated how bad things can be and how many hours it takes to write a 20 minute read post. I guess I'll continue it some other time, when I feel good enough. Today I have something else though. My goal today is just to rant, maybe find someone who can prove me wrong and all. But I have no hope.

The corporation hellscape we live in is too draining for me to function properly. I mean, think about it: can you buy an actually healthy thing from a store? Any store. I don't think so. Plastic is cheap, so obviously all the bread and water go to plastic containers, go read about microplastics now, I dare you. Even vegetables and fruits often get distributed into plastic bags. And I believe I don't have to tell you why insta-noodles, energy drinks, frozen meat and cakes that don't even need a fridge are really bad. But the thing is, there is no escaping it. If you go to a drug store in search for a non drug, what are you doing?

And yes, I did call things like chocolate and frozen goods drugs. In fact, most food is a drug. Everything that you buy for the sake of its taste is a drug, because you don't want to purchase it for the sake of satisfying a need, you're purchasing it to ease your withdrawal. And while there are normies who call sugar and caffeine drugs, I doubt there are people who would call things like ketchup or spaghetti drugs. I would be one of them. And I know that we're all slaves of our food, the food industry is called an industry because it doesn't have a need satisfaction as its main goal. Corporations do want to get all of your money and they'll go as far as possible to get it, even to gaslight you into thinking you need their food. In reality a plate or two of tasteless porridge is totally enough for an average person, and I even know some people who just survive on natural juices and sunlight, I guess. It's all crazy and hard to believe, but my issue is that 90% of any food store is filled with drugs, because that's what attracts the weak Biomass.

But whatever, just eat the porridge and the life is great, right? No, this seeps into all parts of your life. Every website with some kind of question answered are all the same fucking corporately structured "Intro. History of the thing. Important people. The thing in different countries. Chemical analysis of the thing. The thing in different cultures. The answer to your question. Conclusion". And it's made on purpose: the idea is to show you more ads.
Same with YouTube, as it became a copy of TV. And while you all can find plenty of proof of that even without me, I'm just going to say I am VERY displeased with YouTube. A rule to remove monetization because of swearing? What next, will we need to censor the word "bad"? Hell, I've already seen an example of someone censoring the word "abortion" and I was like "How de fuck did someone here get traumatized by abortion of all things?". No, seriously, guys, how many of you experienced abortion and got PTSD from this shit? Hell, I can say I'm traumatized from watching anime, if I get loud about this will "anime" become a swear? And the thing about YouTube is it sucks the dicks of the advertisers who only want to be as family friendly as possible, because the lower your age restriction is the more people can watch your video. In theory that is, we all know children turn 18 when they get 12. I can forgive YouTube management for being nazi, it's a trend among gen z today, so whatever, but banning so many words just for the sake of dick sucking? Fuck no.

And so, my YouTube career is over before it began, I was literally too young to experience the joys of YouTube. And now I'm thinking of deleting my last Google account and just fully move to... Maybe even Hive at this point. Discord isn't being safe either so, yeah, better find one person who's worthy to talk to, than a dozen of random weirdos who will only ask for your nudes and abandon you after learning you're actually a guy... Well, enough with jokes. The internet itself feels dead. And why? Because the web2 creators set the rules and if you're not playing by their rules - they destroy you. That means, if you aren't a business and you have a website - then either become the business or die from bankruptcy. This dependency on money is the best way to control everyone: from mindless Biomass to even the most adequate of gods.

Look, I am tired. I've been saying it for years. I need a rest from this life. I need to take a break from existing. And yet I don't want to just die. It would be lame. I want something big to kill me. That way I won't feel bad if suddenly after my death all corporations fall, all wars end, all people become smart (which would lead to the first two happening) and the life gets perfect forever and ever. And even then, I might think that I was the reason everyone kept being stupid all this time. So no, there's no way out for me lmao.

Thing is, I don't like reading and writing. It's tiring, I wanna rest my back. I could go and translate some of Mr. Freeman's videos for you if you want someday. But right now, I just want to be an asshole, get a safe place with my own rules and exist there, in my own perfectly structured chaos. I don't want to write much of anything anymore, high chance being none of you will understand me. Besides, what if I'm an alt account? What if I'm an AI? What if I'm a fictional character or an alien from another planet who's mission is to brainwash people into thinking death being the only way to live? Either way I am a noname rando with often times unpopular opinions, who you will forget about tomorrow.

Look, the internet is dead and it's our fault, all of us. We turn to Biomass because that's convenient and that feeds our enemies who have control over us, we gave them power, we became their slaves. And now we harvest what we sow. I want to blame everyone else but I am also guilty for paying for stuff... In the end we're not in control of anything at all.

You know, I'm too tired now. It took me two hours to write all that and now my brain is at its limit. I thought blogging was easier. I should write about something creative net time, don't you think?