The time for change is now. The future is not determined by what we did (or think we learned) in the past, but by the choices we make now...
Whatever we dream we can make happen.
How can we break the cycle?
For me, it has been liberating to question my beliefs... when I engage in a conversation what's the source of my words? Am I simply repeating what someone else told me? If so, why? Does it resonate with me? Once I realized that pretty much all beliefs came from external sources, it was easy to recognize them as falsehoods and start my search for the truth. I don't claim to have found the truth, but the door is open to let it stream in...
Exactly @edward.maesen. First we must recognize there is something to question, which can be quite the challenge when we are on autopilot. I love what shows up when we let go of our ideas. Truth is relative, but being open to fresh possibilities is such a blessing. I'm really grateful for your comment. Thanks for being here.
Truth is relative, everyone's experience is unique, and this uniqueness should be treasured, cultivated and allowed to blossom.
#ThankYouForBeing @everlove ;) !
Quite the divine perspective @edward.maesen. #ThankYouForBeing as well my new friend.