We all experience the borderlands between sleep and wakefulness. In some ways, hypnagogia is the best of both worlds that processes memories, thoughts and feelings, but when you are still in an awakened state.
“The simultaneous experience of confusion and sanity or being asleep and awake, is the realization of co-emergent wisdom. Any occurrence in one’s state of mind – any thought, feeling, or emotion – is both black and white; it is both a statement of confusion and a message of enlightened mind. Confusion is seen so clearly that this clarity itself is sacred outlook. - Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan Buddhist Teacher.
We are, for sure, living in a confusing time of conflict and uncertainty, possibility and opportunity. the question is, how do we perceive this paradox? And how do we respond?
One way is to realize that life offers us adventure and we need to rise to the challenge and do something new, unexpected and spontaneous, out of our comfort zone.
Uncertainty in our lives gives us an opportunity to become awakened and wise. To take a leap beyond our ruts both physically and mentally and emotionally. To go beyond our conceptualized mind with all the stereotypic pat answers and gain real insight into our lives, to move us along on the spiral of existence, to new levels of awareness.
It is in a state of hypnagogia this can occur best, with the onset of lucid thought, lucid dreaming and hallucinations, and who knows the possibility of enlightenment exists and maybe you are ripe for it?
photo: "Hypnagogic Hallucinations" - Eva Lewarne
Hypnagogia has to be my favorite sleep state other than lucid dreaming.
I'm able to process things that I otherwise can't either when fully awake or dreaming.
Wonderful @funcooker.
Sometimes it feels like an endless life of the same dream again and again and again...
Yes. @jyezie.