Lazy people seem to put a fair amount of effort into getting around the system. I use to know a guy who spent 45 minutes each day in the bathroom. This was the maximum amount of time he worked out he could spend while still being on the company dime and not get fired or yelled at. He also for a while got them to give him his lunch at the end of the day so he could just go home instead. He also never showed up early or stayed late. Maxed out his vacation, sick days, and volunteered to go home early if it was offered. He was very big on that whole “work smarter” find ways to automate things but not tell anyone and just look busy to be kept around. After a while people notice he was not needed anyways so that job was just combined with another. Automation, people want it they just don’t stop to ask where the costs come for it to be cover it and will you still be needed once it’s in full swing.
I’ve enjoyed the more task oriented world we have started to live in for a while now. The more effective you are the more you just get to do as there is always another task to get around to doing.
Eventually, the 'smart' workers find themselves passed over for opportunities and they end up 'bitter' workers instead who blame their position on others.