I am desperately looking for people without giving into the temptation to form an opinion and make it look like a scientific fact.
Actually, one cannot be on this platform without publishing opinions (in the comment sections) when one wants engagement with the community. That is the reason I often think to drop out and to look for some scholars, theologians, monks or philosophers who got a real life.
In order to avoid an opinion, I would have to reduce my pace here to a level which doesn't allow this kind of slowness. I would like to write letters and have exchanges long-term with people who are interested in that.
So far I had some good encounters but they always stop because the other or I got distracted and don't take on the threat again.
I am actually having a friendship with an artist and another young guy through the chat or through our comments, also chatting with an elderly woman from England (I am from Germany). That are the few people with whom I engage on a regular base.
My longing for guidance is not fulfilled though. I wonder if I ever will find it here. Asking questions is also not very popular when the answers are producing uneasiness, mostly people ship around them. That frustrates me and I want to dump that whole steemit thing.
Well, sorry, I got carried away. As you seem someone mature with a life (your wife and seemingly a good one) I dared to answer in this way.