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RE: 2 Thought Experiments to Forever change the way you Look at the World + Philosophy Discussion

in #philosophy7 years ago

Generally all scientists, when they want to prove a point, first observe and then conduct experiments. Because they cannot experiment with the whole world they take only a sample from the population and then try to fit their findings from the sample to the whole world assuming that the world is represented in their sample which often is not.

I would like to add that the laboratory conditions under which science operates often do not exist in daily human lives. I refer in particular to pharmaceutical anti-depressant medicine. The treatment plan in which one has to take the pills must be followed in its exact way but often that is not the case, for people reject pills very often and think that if they take the pills, it is proven that something is wrong with them. People don't like to think of themselves as to be wrong.

Your screen experiment with trying out blindness does not go far enough, I would say - the idea is great!

It reminded me on a visit years ago here in Hamburg. They set up a room in total darkness and called it "Dialogue in the Dark" - I went there with a bunch of people and we were led through the darkness by an actual blind person which directed us through the space. It was less frightening than I would have assumed. We were put under different sensory circumstances like traffic, crossing an intersection, visiting a market, where we were asked to touch the food and tell what we were holding in our hands and so on and so forth. What I experienced was, that I wanted to be in physical touch with others and that too much noise was no good as not enough sounds also was not good. Losing eye sight I would say after this experience gets really bad in isolation and I deduce from that (LOL) this counts also for losing the ability to hear. Though the loss of smelling would not be the same feeling of disconnection, I think. That is my subjective perspective and that is the only one which counts, no?

Modern people for the most part use their eye sense along with their mind sense. That is also the reason why language offers all kinds of synonyms for seeing but less for hearing and smelling. Look, view, perspective, see, watch, watch out, spot, glimpse, glance, picture, lens, etc. - but what do we have for smell and touch and hear?

The search for the smallest particle may - among other things - lead to side findings which we may benefit or not from - as always there are more than two sides to a thing. As I also think that we are long arrived at concepts, I do not have anything to add.

Great topic!

But as you know me a little, I am missing experiences of yours from your physical existence.


I must also add that each person's body is different. For an example some people with high metabolism never seems to get fat despite their eating habits (as long as they are not eating junk food all the time). When it comes to personal opinions, things get even more complicated. You can get an average of people's opinions. But their utility is very limited. You can compare some conformist/SJW with another but when it comes to more creative free spirited people, psychology stats become progressively useless.

You have had some great life experiences. Based on the ease of use we have built our lives to depend on certain senses more. People depend more on a smart phone than a $5000 gaming rig or a $9000 laptop. Using visual information is easier. So we tend to depend on them more. This could become a double edged sword. If people don't pay enough attention to tone and other auditory cues, they are asking to get crushed and deceived.

As for the smallest particle - I don't think exist; not as a thing. It'll exist only as a function. What we experience as particles is a collapse of a wave function. In fact There has been zero evidence about the existence of electron. Just like Newton's gravity, it's a story made up to describe a phenomenon. Nobody has observed an electron.

You can compare some conformist/SJW with another but when it comes to more creative free spirited people, psychology stats become progressively useless.

I would think, that is true. In particular when the one who is treated as a patient or a as a person with short comings does not think so. Statistics might be "right" and show a tendency or a probability and nevertheless people reject them. It has nothing to do with logic or a rational mind.

I do that, too. Where I do hesitate, dislike, reject, no statistic in the world can convince me of something I don't want to believe.

Yes, I am on earth for quite a while, now:) and I am glad that I had so many opportunities to experience a great spectrum of being in touch with a variety of things and people.

As for the smallest particle - I don't think exist; not as a thing.

Smile. That is what I often think. That it is a concept. As concepts can be very very strong they become reality and are treated as truth. Science in some parts is beyond observation but involved with "correlation", right?