Are You Getting All That You Can From The Three Centers of Knowing (Head, Heart + Gut)?

in #philosophy8 years ago

We know we can't get wet from the word w-a-t-e-r.

We can remember wetness. Describe it. Thirst for it, even.

But, ultimately, wetness is EXPERIENCED.

As much as I love language, and the bridges and possibilities it creates, it is still mighty limited.

Like scooping the ocean... with a shot glass. Or thimble.

So I use words as best I can, and as precisely as possible.

And I also take poetic liberties, and have fun with metaphors.

We can use words to make small, rigid boxes.

And we can use words to make launchpads to limitlessness.

I prefer, and strive for, the latter.

It's not intellectual laziness.

It's creative ambition.

Add one part child's wonder, plus one part adult's wisdom.

Shake or stir. Serve over ice. Cheers!

Our Three Centers of Knowing

I experience my entire body as a ceaseless conductor of signals, both transmitted and received. We have far more than three centers of knowing, but I believe we have three MAIN or PRIMARY ones within us. These knowledge centers reside within our Head, our Heart and our Gut.

1. COGNITION (Think - Head - Logic)

Our first knowledge center steals the show in Western cultures, and those influenced by it. Our civilization, and embedded systems, institutions and traditions, was built with the fruits and traits of reason, math, science and logic. And if we are to be COMPLETELY honest, that foundation-building was fueled by aberrant greed, and a hostile drive to dominate and colonize one's habitat, and any persons dwelling on said habitat.

So, the head gives us reliable and robust methods to build nations, develop industries, compose symphonies, discover cures and market needs. And the head ALSO gives degenerative ideas that plague humanity... like slavery, taxation, coercion, prohibition, discrimination, and a host of other unpardonable and depraved atrocities that can only be derived from this particular center within us.

For this reason, we'd be wise to stand better guard of it. This knowledge center is AGGRESSIVE, and when it operates without balancing influence from our other two centers, epic ugliness follows. Our head incubates BOTH the apple, AND the worm. So resist the temptation to over-rely on head-knowledge, and under-rely on the other two centers. One knowledge center does not fit all our human needs, but we conduct business, relationships and much of civilized life as if we only had a head to think with. But what of our heart and gut? They are TREASURES, still too often treated like trash.

Traditional schools and universities hold great bias toward the STEM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). And culture rewards technical, logical, scientific minds with higher salaries and esteem. This knowledge center is in over-use, as evidenced by the global consequences of heartlessness and gutlessness. I actually encourage people to spend less time here, and more time gaining familiarity with heart and gut guidance.

That said, most everyone could benefit from improved critical thought, so the resource I'm recommending to strengthen this knowledge center is THIS ONE. It's a simple wiki-link that gives 13 ways to improve rationality, and alter unproductive thought patterns.

2. EMOTION (Feel - Heart - Love)

Our second knowledge center houses our courage. But that fact is obscured by mistrust and underestimation. There's nearly a SHAME attached to emotional expression. In the workplace, or most places for that matter, people don't feel permission to cry. Tears are seen as a sign of weakness, and at soft and tender ages, we were taught to NOT let 'em fall! Especially boys. That is so fucked up. Because by the time we reach adulthood, we've been so calloused and conditioned with this bass-ackward expectation to not feel... to not be fully human...and then we wonder where all the skin-covered robots came from. We created them! By insisting that people not cry, not feel, not emote. I call bullshit on that warped, dehumanizing way every chance I get. I cry freely and often. It is emotional hygiene. And it's honest.

I am a big fan of the work of HeartMath Institute. I know of no better source to speak to this 2nd knowledge center than them:

Our second center holds so much untapped potential. There is a whole OTHER LEVEL at which we can do things... going about mundane tasks, WHILE being multidimensional forces for good. Whatever you're up to, put MORE HEART in it! Choose resonance over ratings.

3. VOLITION (Do - Gut - Will)

Our third center is home to our gut instincts. The fancy term for that is "action potentials." We get gut feelings with the help of the vagus nerve, which is our longest cranial nerve, and extends from our brainstem, down into our belly.

This nerve wanders down through our visceral organs, and sends out neurotransmitters that regulate our breathing, heart rate, and many other important functions. The vagus nerve is in charge of our parasympathetic system, which helps us relax and de-escalate when stressed or emotionally triggered. Our BREATH has great influence on the vagus nerve. I consider deep, abdominal breathing another form of thinking. Something as simple as adding counts of 4 or 8 to your inhalations and exhalations for just a few minutes is enough to calm your felt state considerably.

Christopher Bergland who writes quite a lot about the vagus nerve offers this suggestion:

"A simple mantra I've used as an athlete to engage my vagus nerve when faced with a threatening challenge is to take a few deep breaths and recite a line by Corra Harris, author of I'd Climb the Highest Mountain, "The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly. Using positive self-talk and taking deep breaths is a quick and easy way to engage the vagus nerve and parasympathetic nervous system to calm yourself from both the top-down and from the bottom-up."

Our body does not lie, though it might whisper. Shhhhh, listen...


If you tend to over-occupy one of the knowledge centers, I invite you to make a conscious effort to consult your lesser-used ones more often.

If you're typically ruled by emotions, the self-regulation of rationality is a great balancing help. As is the groundedness of being in your body (with breath and movement).

And if people mistake you for Spock, you could probably benefit from some warming and softening by developing heart intelligence and visceral wisdom.

This is intended to help us be the best, fullest versions of ourselves. TO DROP FIXED IDENTITIES, which can -- ironically -- become rulers themselves.

I didn't have a clear sense of where IMAGINATION dwells, so I concluded it is too wild, too big, and too bad-assed to be confined to a single knowledge center. A well developed Imagination -- able to withstand the considerable, cynical heat of the day -- is, in my opinion, the BADGE of intelligence.

"You can't depend on your eyes, when your imagination is out of focus." (Mark Twain)

Lavish Listening service. 💚 Hey! I'm Erika, and I'm curious about using language as a catalytic + restorative liberation technology (using words to make universal keys, instead of invisible chains). I call it word alchemy, and am experimenting with that here on Steemit. If you like this sort of oddly flavored thing, add me to your feed: @erikaharris. Your time and attention is precious, so thanks for sharing a lil' of it with me. And if YOU feel in need of some attention, consider my


Thank you Erika. You are a world of information...

Happy to be of service, @peoplepower66 :-)

Excellent insight! I learn something from every one of your posts! Mucho gracias amiga!

Thanks so much, @mikeonfire! You are one of my FAVORITE catalysts here in Acapulco, and I have an exciting idea to run by you, amigo!! :-D

Wonderful! I think humans are just starting to awaken to the 4th center: BE. We are Spiritual BEings and our mere existence grants us knowing of the universe. The more we learn how to BE present, how to BE at peace, the more knowledge we can gain in our travels. One of the best parts of life is observing and connecting with our environment on all levels. Our power comes from within us, from the spark of the divine that just IS.

There you go... living up to your name. Clever. Timely. :-)

I couldn't agree with you more, @mscleverclocks. Embodiment is where it's at. BE the thing. Yes, ma'am. That's it, in entirety. XO

Lavish listening sounds amazing! I'd like to schedule a lavish listening session with you, and then write about it on Steemit. Can I do that?

@lesliestarrohara, YES, you can absolutely do that! Thanks for your willingness to experience, and write about, it. I so look forward to listening to you lavishly.

Great article, girl! Your head, heart and gut are in the right place. Your imagination is brilliant and I love reading what's going on in your head!

@maceytomlin, you know how to put the biggest smile on people's faces, and really warm a human heart. Thanks for that, sis... and for all YOU do on behalf of people and plants.