
@dwinblood made a very compelling argument a while ago against muting people for simply being stupid.

and I agree.
I haz a little list...
that I mute.
(it varies from time to time)
it includes flat-earthers, conspiracy nuts, anti-vaxers, and Chem-trails.
to name just a few.

I have to admit that I am totally unable to figure you out.

Then again, that's probably your intent.

oddly're not the first person to say that...not by a long shot.
I haz TWO primary tenants to my philosophy of life.

  1. ZAP
  2. The Scientific Method.
    sub tenats of which include but are not limited to.
    Occam's razor, Sturgeon's Law, The Iron Law, the MonkeySphere, and others.

My primary weapons are fear and surprise...

and ruthless efficiency
and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope

what ever floats your boat.

Water floats my boat.