This is an interesting topic and something I have been thinking a lot lately. I hate that I am so driven by some emotions and that I let them effect me so much. I really want to be more in control of, like you said, what gets under my skin. I can rationalise most emotions fairly well, but it's still very hard to try and overcome some of those feelings.
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In some respects the feelings I guess don't need to be overcome but they shouldn't effect what we need to do. People get angry at the drop of a hat these days and there is a great deal of damage done that is often irreversible. It is more like toddlers experiencing their terrible twos or when they don't get a toy they want. Tantrums and dramas from adults is unattractive and doesn't inspire me with trust in their decision making abilities.
Well I don't throw full blown temper tantrums, and I didn't stab anyone when I was still working in the kitchen, pretty proud of that one considering how I felt about a lot of the co-workers 😝
I knew a girl when I was in highschool. School captain, straight A student, bright future etc. At her 18th birthday party her brother wouldn't giver her a CD back he had borrowed. Stabbed him to death in a fit of rage. She cried as he died in her arms with her friends watching.
Feel your emotions. Don't have to act on them.
Bitches be crazy!