well hit me up on discord if you ever want to chat direct and not have it be sprawled across posts. thefatkat on discord.
Yea send me some writing in a few months if you want some ideas. Not sure if you have ever done any programming. But I think it really opens up information processing.
For pain or any other experience I think of everything as little blackboxes. The human perceiving pain is a blackbox so to the extent they feel pain they have that sensation. To the extent past experience or maybe brain chemistry or other things can transform sensations, or even perspective or other things then there would be a different matrix that could contain all that information at the most efficient level.
Ultimately, I just think of it as a lowest common denominator that there be a most efficient objective way of preserving the information in one language and transfering it to another with minimal data corruption , or corruption below some threshold.
As a big fan of Richard Dawkin's "Selfish gene" I think one can think of all ontological social constructs as little replications of that information in a brain.
One could call this a universal language where most efficient storage and thus all laguages or structures might coalesce around different linguistic data structures, to think it is inherent in DNA I think might be mixing what the real process. More that it is the nature of reality once you define enough concepts of the zeitgeist.
Hope things are going well!!