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RE: A human's life philosophy, stop trying and just be.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your quick and insightful response!

About your first comment: I completely agree,but I tend to be skeptical about the possibility of two individuals reaching at an agreement for a common definition simply because you can never be sure about the other person's motives,experiences, knowledge.(But in the end I also believe my approach tends to be quite absolute and holistic, so dont bother haha)

About the second comment: I think it depends from whose perspective you examine the issue. As an entire human race improvement strategy your suggestions are more than enough. But what happens when we are looking at it from a quite narrow POV like the one of the ruling elite? Does their survival depend on our blind belief in these stories? ;)

I do believe that there is right or wrong and good or evil but at the same time I reject them as pure human constucts. (But I would like to explain my whole ''amazing'' theory before judging so let's not do it here haha)

About your third comment: No comment. I got wrecked. :D