Essay #1


I think a lot about light. How does it interact with itself if it has no mass? What would it be like being a photon? But what really feels ancient to me is considering the light unseen. Perhaps this answers my second question. For light without something to bounce off of is unseen

This light is pure in its own way. When it hits your pants, its filtered, you only see the blue light. Before that, when the photon was born in the sun, it was pure. It was potential. This potential energy is used up, destroyed, filtered, yadiyadayada. Entropy ensues, but now I wonder, isn't this beautiful? The alternative is the photon heading out into space, for some alien a million million light years away to see as a light in the Firmament. It could have been a beautiful girl's tan, food for a plant.

So in thinking about light I find myself led to scarcity and abundance. Any thoughts on this?