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RE: Revelation 34

in #philosophy7 years ago

I guess your revelation series are meant for reflective thoughts. We definitely do not know the scene when our start of existence. We also cannot bring even a single cent that we earn when it is time to leave. Our existence can be impactful but can also be minute depending on how we want to live our lives. We can be eternal in memories of those we ever impact positively. We can be eternal in memories of those we ever give a helping hand. Steemit can also be a place of impact when we do help someone who is trying to earn when his/her family is in financial difficulty. We can also establish lasting relationship with steemit friends by passing it down to the next generation where they become friends too. We are passing down the torch and we are passing down our eternal memory of us. I know this is a slightly longer reflection of mine but I guess thoughts dash into my mind as I read your revelation 34 and it was meant to be so. You have successfully ignited my thoughts and reflections of life.