Here is an interesting point, if you notice the map says corrective it has not corrected everything however, it is a start. The proportion of the continents are still very much out of scale. By land mass Ethiopia or as most people know it "Africa" is much smaller on the map than it is on the earth. A bit of history if I may, Before the Romans came into "Africa" after the fall of Hannibal, "Africa" was renamed after Scipio Africanus, before that all of "Africa" was called Ethiopia. (also ref: Homer's IIliad and the Odyssey). Anyway as I was saying the Ethiopians made the maps in this same fashion with the south at the top. This is most likely the reason for the name corrective map. So you are "Shrewd" my friend!
Also see this
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World and Science tweeted @ 13 Nov 2017 - 19:00 UTC
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