LinkedIn is a website I spend time on. It is a great way of connecting with people. However, one thing that annoys me is when profiles write that they are 'Motivational speakers'.
A lot of people earn their living by speaking, which is perfectly fine. If you have something important which you want to share and believe will help, that is perfect. Sharing it to the majority is what will help this society to grow.
But when you call yourself 'Motivational speaker' a line should be drawn. It's not up to the speaker to decide if he/she is motivational, it's the listeners. If a speaker says he is motivational but the audience thinks otherwise, he clearly isn't motivational.
I also think that by saying you are motivational and that is what you do, you don't really have anything to offer. What can an audience get from someone that is talking motivational, nothing but a delusion of the real world. Because what most motivational speakers do is that they simplify everything so everybody can understand. However, what they also are doing is that they make it look so much easier than it really is. This creates misconception to the audience which only will hurt every individual in the long run. Motivation then becomes a question; "Why can't I do it? He explained it so simple". Well, simple is not always a good thing.
So by calling yourself motivational speaker, you are ultimately just feeding on insecurity from the individual.
Nice post. Maybe it's just me but i find many of the articles on LinkedIn to be self-aggrandizing.