Nietzsche has a significant influence on philosophy and beyond, especially on existentialism and postmodernism. His style of writing and radical questions about the value and objectivity of the truth he is concerned have led to a number of discussions and interpretations, mostly among continental philosophers, but to a lesser extent among analytical philosophers. His main ideas include his interpretation of the tragedy as a celebration of life, the eternal circle (which many commentators reinterpret afterwards), the reversal of Platonism, and his criticisms of Christianity and egalitarianism (especially in the form of democracy and socialism). Undoubted interest was the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche's superhuman in contemporary philosophical-ethical concepts. The teachings of the superhuman is a kind of continuation of the subject of man. Superhuman is a continuation in the future as an ideal rather than a realistic goal. According to Nietzsche's report, man is transient, something to be overcome. Nietzsche sees the bridge as a bridge to achieving the superhuman. The kernel of the superhuman is the pursuit of perfection. Nietzsche's teaching is a kind of evolutionary theory of the moral-moral nature. "Man is a rope stretched between the beast and the superman." True to his "destructive" philosophy, Nietzsche destroys the world of the various human beings to revive him as the "only" superhuman. "The hammer-in-the-hand philosopher" destroys the imperfection and difference in human ideals to subordinate them to a universal law-perfection. Nietzsche's man, this is the man who overpowered himself, rising above the others with higher morals and principles. Apart from decadence in Nietzsche's thought, it can generally be concluded that man - this is the pursuit of perfection, self-development and realization. No one has ever pointed out that the idea of a Nietzsche super-human being is enshrined in the BIBLE, and that is precisely the same proportion of genetic and intellectual-moral superiority over the "crowd" - the multitude, and the divine endowment only for the nobles of Goethe in the poem "The Divine". So the accusation is heretic or godless, because his religion denies only values, survived by life itself. Contemplation of the world from the past in the dimension of time also imposes new moral canons, not a race in nuclear weapons, which destroys not only natural resources but also humanity itself. In this sense both Goethe and Nietzsche are prophets of the future and, in a sense, their creed in their most basic core forms a moral tript of the gospel.
In the Gospel of Matthew (20: 16) we read:
"Many are called, and few are elected."
Viele sind berufen, aber wenige auserwalt.
Here again a distinction is made between two types of non-class, but biologically and intellectually morally differently selected by superiority individuals, that is, humans, in a quantitatively inverse proportion of majority and minority; a division of multiple (crowd, crap, populo-people) and "elected", bearers of superiority and divinity. This is precisely a minority of creators of the free-thinking intellectual elite of mankind (it belongs to all, not only to its people), it is Nietzsche's "superhuman". The only difference is that Nietzsche's philosophy is a philosophy of life, it takes the sky to earth and faces the future and not the past. No one would have thought to blame the Bible in ungodliness or maximum subjectivism, much less in hatred of the "noisy spirit." Both are necessary for the blood circulation and the creative processes in nature and life with vital energy and creative activity for the creation of good and cultural values. The enemies of humanity are precisely the political regimes that use the crowd, emanate it in the "super-crow", awaken in it the beast and the devils to remove the contrasting matter to highlight their genetic "spirit nesting"! With a party book and priorities no aristocrats of intellect and morality are created, they are just born. In this sense, the philosophy of Nietzsche, besides the philosophy of life, is also the philosophy of man, but in the antinomy a man of the crowd - a man aristocrat, nobleman of the spirit, chosen God, superhuman.
It is precisely because of the unconscious caprices of chromosomes and hereditary genes that there is always the possibility of an individual emerging to break the barrier between them and to go beyond the ordinary scale even for selectivity and divinity, such as Jesus Christ or the great canonized saints. This possibility also acts as a spiritually man-made urge to exaggerate the "noisy spirit", to break every hoop trying to paralyze the urge to be transferred to the category of "chosen" and creator of moral values, to a God-anointed one, with one word of "superman". The great poets, writers, philosophers, the "great men" in general, overcome this division with the power of their creative EGO, turned into an active nuclear power to restructure humanity in the spirit of an exalted morality in which man is precisely a man in his most divine purpose . A Goethe Gospel, cast in a lyrical incarnation:
Edel sei der Mench, Noble to be the man,
hulfreich und gut, responsive and good,
day das allein because only this
unterscheidet ihn distinguishes it
von allen Wesen, of all the creatures,
die wir kennen. familiar to us.
("Das Gottliche") ("The Divine")
There is only the moral notion of "good" in the Bible. In order to separate himself from his sound of ordinaryness, Goethe brings him to a higher category for elevation, but not with the means of grammatical grading, but with meaningful gradation: good - noble (gut-> edel) - an improved good, that is, selected in Nietzsche's sense good, the privilege of the superhuman, the God-anointed chosen and the creators. One of its kind, an exalted morality of elect Christi, with divine illumination. To this idea, Goethe comes through a poet's insight, while Nietzsche conceives philosophically again in a global dimension, but as a creative nuclear power that does not remain closed in the personal sphere, but acts with a chain reaction to all of humanity. The etymological term "edel" is included in the word "nobility" (der Adel), a qualification that has expanded its scope into the social hierarchy of a noble class or "aristocracy", a term taken by Nietzsche as the goal of its superman to create a class of noblemen of the spirit. In this sense, the aristocratism of the artist is realized in active reincarnating moral power. It is a beauty in active action - a mongrel that infects, conquers, transforms even the barbarian and the criminal. This exalted noble morality of Goethe's "Iphigenia" rebuilds Thaas internally, ennobles him, and he becomes another man, repeals the cruel law of punishing every foreigner who has crossed the boundaries of his kingdom. At its highest level, human nature is the kind of love that is the most powerful incentive to overcome the beast in man, but its greatest power is revealed in the supreme function of love in general to man. It creates beauty, stimulates the growth of the crowd in the pursuit of building a new world without hatred and the overcoming of primary instincts and the enrichment of man. What Is Human? Consciousness, personality, organism, the peak of evolution or ... the only existing being, the only reality so controversial and manifold in its essence or just conscious dare to dare to call it such? The question of man and his essence has been excited for mankind for millennia, but as if all the assumptions are not enough. What is more, the expanded circles of our ignorance, further discourage and deepen the quests, searches in the impossible depths of knowledge and doubt, quests which from the beginning must clarify the question of man and his nature, but they only show how deep It is unrelated to explanation, like the wind that you can not catch, it constantly escapes the great scholars, and often in their responses to man the contradictions are inevitable and seem ridiculous at least in my eyes. Mischievous guesses and absurd theories are increasingly flooding the public about what man is, and as if it is subdued. Whether man is not something else, whether he is beyond the bounds of the search itself is not wrong ... At least one thing is certain that we have never known ourselves, we, the peak of evolution, claiming to be at the top of knowledge, the eternal seekers of absolute truth, we do not realize that what we have always sought is the answer to all questions is locked in ourselves, and in the question "what we are" is the key to everything.
Nietzsche does not think that man has to be saved, but to overcome it, he sees a bridge, not a goal, a rope stretched between the beast and the superman - a rope over a abyss. Although Nietzsche seems like an anti-humanist the rigor of his vision it is inevitable that he knows what man is and that is why he must be overcome. All those qualities of compassion, pain, love symbol of man are referred to by Nietzsche for weakness, and egoism, happiness and hatred are elevated to an honorable pedestal, the name superman, which must be ours our pride ... or our most complete self-denial and destruction. Humans die too quickly, too easily, genius spiritually, rot internally ... but the choice is in us because we alone have the power to overcome our aspiration for perfection and to be we remember who we are, just people. There is no doubt that there are two basic beings in man, that of the beast and that of the superhuman described by Nietzsche. I do not want and can not oppose them to each other - they are two essences, but one complete perfect whole. The essence of the beast is the caregiver for our physical survival. Under physical survival, I mean everything we have to do, to survive, and that includes all the skills and knowledge we need to acquire in order to have a certain job. This includes even the romantic in love that is good to have it to create a family and calmly raise our children. In physical survival I would include things like religion because people are afraid of many things and when they think they can not fix themselves, there must be something to trust, someone to ask for advice and follow his instructions. For many people life is completely limited to the battle for survival, including the above, but for many others, life is not just about that. Something pulls them from inside to look There is also the essence of the superhuman as ambition, will and desire. For example, Machiavelli, speaking of the new ruler in recent times, mentions that "a ruler must possess both the nature of the beast and that of man. he serves only one risking to lose his power. "So is the so-called ordinary people. They also have to rule the two above-mentioned nature and not because they will lose their power, but because nowadays the straight and limited people do not survive. And due to the fact that only man among the other living things has self-consciousness, he can rise not only over the natural world, but also over himself. Only the strong man can overcome the limitations imposed on him by reality, he is able to "see" it and cease to be interested in its laws. To discover the essence of the superhuman, you must change before all your gaze, looking at not in the near but in the distant, because the superhuman exists, more ... He waits to be discovered and overcome. The shaping of the value system of each person goes through many perceptions. From childhood, with the help of their parents, all learns to distinguish between good and evil. When the child grows up, it only begins to feel the difference between what is right and what is not. Life offers different lessons, which teach "right" and "wrong". Everything that helps to build and maintain universal unity is perceived as good. It is all wrong that destroys this unity or hinders its existence.
The human being is the main source of disharmony. The mere fact that negative thoughts are born in consciousness leads to a tide of negative energy. Another factor of evil is the pride. It opposes the individuals one of while at the same time severely limiting possible compromises. Misdemeanors also draw the evil. Every division of people - be it gender, religion or race - is also a kind of evil. Making violence against someone is also a manifestation of evil. It is wrong to think that through the use of force a good is achieved. It could reach a certain goal, but it is suggested that the use of evil is something positive, something normal.
Good and evil are inevitably connected. They intertwine like a spiral in each person's consciousness. In certain moments one prevails, at other times the other. Maybe this is the reason for the non-existence of ideal people. No one in this world is perfect. It is not perfect. This is absurd and unachievable. Of course, the aspiration of a person to be impeccable gives him an incentive for development. Every person is a separate universe. A separate world. Worlds where battles are being daily fought between good and evil, between the allowed and the forbidden, between the intellect and the heart. The individual human world is filled with thoughts, feelings, fears, joys, pains. Human beings themselves are a volcano of emotions. But its main purpose is to learn not to be subjected to them. Nietzsche sees the man as "a rope stretched between the beast and the swordman". At first glance it sounds pretty simple, but if we think and look between the lines, we will find the message of those words. What is the beast? The answer is easy - a wild, predatory and ruthless animal. An entity ranging lower than man in the evolutionary ladder. Often, however, man falls to his level. Evil is the main cause of this degradation. From there comes the comparison of man with beast. At certain moments, kindness and humanity in one person have evaporated to such an extent that he lives (or more precisely exists), relying only on the primary in yourself. What is the superman? He is the only one able to overcome the deep mistakes of the modern world, morality, culture, and man. From this reasoning follows the question - Are not the beast and the superhuman the two extremes? This is again proof that the two extremes - plus minus, evil and evil, Yin and Yang - are fighting in man. The philosopher sees the two opposites connected only by means of a "stretched rope". The boundary between them is so small, so easy to tear. One must skillfully manage to rope the rope so as not to tear it. Is the "connection" between the beast and the superhuman destroyed - at best the personality is doomed to remain in one of the two cultures. Nietzsche's thought is complemented by the annotation - "rope over the abyss." If the rope is broken, the person degrades. It falls into the abyss, in Chaos. "Love your enemies!", "If you hit one cheek, lay the other!" This is the only way, the only way to break the chain of evil. Exiting the evil with evil, you only multiply evil. The illusion is that by punishing evil, you can reduce it. For starters, the fears have to be overcome and tried with good, even initially, to be just good thoughts. Never forget that nobody is perfect in this world , you too... Nietzsche's tragedy remains misunderstood and can be misinterpreted until today, and his theory of the superhuman anathema of sinister hatred is to some extent guilty of itself.
Great article, and for answer.. Why not soon maybe