My statement may shock you since you think we’re civilized because of our smart cars, smartphones, smart TV’s, everything’s intelligent but not the people. With all of our technologies we are still uncivilized, just some brutes sometimes, brutes that can drive cars, wear fancy clothes and act all polite, if needed.
But at our bases, we are brutes, and in the right kind of environment, those traits that we all try to hide will come at the surface and in the name of the state, religion, color or sex we will kill millions fooling ourselves that the world will be better.
A civilized society does not need an Army. In a society where all the people cooperate with each other for the greater good, setting outside all the differences and the focus being on the similarities, where people don’t kill other people for an idea, an army has no purpose.
No need for Armies
Armies are made to “protect” the citizens from sources of harm, like wars or terrorism but if no one kills anyone if there are no enemies, what are armies good for? Then, the troops will be useless and will either vanish soon or become an accessory for the state.
But we’re not at that point yet; people still consider murder, genocide as an option, armies are used are killings.
So, if in a civilized society there’s no place for killings, for armies and we still have both of them that means only one thing, we’re not a civilized society yet. We’re uncivilized.
To get to that point, we still have to work a lot, together, as a community and to change everybody at once is impossible. We can’t change the world at fingertips, but we can improve the people around us, our community.
Be the change
Gandhi had his flaws, but he said a beautiful thing once that now it’s way too mainstream and its meaning was lost: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Act as you would want others to act.
Because if you’re improving yourself first, then some people that will interact with you through your life will be influenced by you and that may result in them changing, which will result in them improving their local communities.
You only get to interact with a few people so changing the whole world is not an easy task, but you can influence the people you stumble upon. The people that have access to the minds of a vast quantity of humans, the mass media, will not promote ideas like this. With a few exceptions of course, like Russell Brand, Joe Rogan and Doug Stanhope but none of them are touching the masses. Sadly, they only have access to a few millions of minds.
If you open the TV (which you shouldn’t do), you will only hear about murders, violence, wars, terrorism, and fake so-called politicians and celebrities.
An idea got born
More than 100 years ago, when people were working in factories, for 12, even 14 hours every single day, there was a beautiful idea being promoted by the middle class. They wanted to get from 12 to 8 hours of work per day, and after they failed to do it through violence, they had a great idea, a grand strategy.
They wanted to protest by stopping the whole production of the factories they were working in so the owners, that were treating them like animals, would either had to give them what they wanted or shut everything down.
Their idea is beautiful; it can be applied in our situation too. We can protest by not being violent anymore. If there’s no more violence produced in the world, then the armies would have to vanish since their whole “purpose” would be lost.
The only way to do something like this is by changing yourself first, changing your actions and then by influencing the people you get in contact with.
A world without violence, at this moment, is just a utopian idea. So we can get to that point, there are a lot of minds that have to be influenced, but I like to believe that one day, probably not in our lifetime, people will be civilized.
Impact the people you get in contact with.
The pictures are from pixabay: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3
Join the rest of us inside: Be Awesome | SPL | Busy | ADSactly
I have a memory of our past and our future, of a society living in harmony with nature and each other, of a society without jobs, no employers, no labels, a society driven by art and the celebration of life. It was and will be again, on the spiral of time.
May your words come true :D
I'm waiting for that too.
I think eventually we will be able to achieve that level of prosperity and realization. It is thanks to technological innovation we can reach higher and higher levels of awareness of our environment. I like to believe one day, we will reach such a high level of development we might be considered Gods from today’s standards.
50 years ago something like the iPhone X and FaceID would be incredible, magical.
Our world today may have its doses of chaos and conflict, but I do believe we are improving, and I do believe we will, one day, become something truly great.
I believe our path is good, and this century will surely be one of many changes, the majority of which will be for the better.
My memory of past and future has no technological gadgets in it.
Our current state of technology is nothing more than a very crude artificial approximation of what we as angelic human beings are inherently capable of.
There is another way... you may read my post... "The leap we took" and then "My name is Ether"
The truth is that the whole human race is immature... there is a lot of way ahead to surpass our cureent state. Even if we try by ourself each one of us we still get angry we still kill anumals we still are humans as we know our kind...
Yeah, hopefully, people will evolve as time passes by. :)
What you're saying sounds good, but it's utopian. There will always be conflict, hence there'll always be violence. Even civilized people need to be prepared for when that violence hits them, even if they try to avoid it. Armies still have use, and I doubt they'll lose them any time soon.
I know, I mentioned that it's utopian, but hopefully in the future, something like this will be possible.
Yeah, I know you mentioned it. What I meant with that is, that until there is no conflict it's silly to think of abolishing armies. When, and most importantly if, humans become 100% peaceful and there is no more conflict, then it's reasonable to find a solution to that. But I also think it's silly to believe such a thing is possible. It's nice to strive towards such an outcome, but frankly, it is impossible in my opinion. People will always disagree on stuff, big and small. I don't think I even want a place where no conflict exists, it's what drives progress and improvement. I wish such conflict will never devolve into violence, but again, such a thing is utopian as well.
And even if all humans do become completely non-violent towards each other, even though I believe this to be impossible, it's best to be prepared. We're on the cusp of becoming multiplanetary... who knows what's out there?
In any case, my main point is, that not being prepared is a weakness. Being too pacifistic is a blind spot against danger that will be taken advantage of by potential enemies. Again, it's nice to want good and try to find peaceful solutions to everything, but it's good to be prepared. Not sure who said this (or something similar), but I think I can boil it down to "if you want peace, get ready for war", as armies are the garantor of the peace already forged.
Conflict and violence are not the same. You can disagree with someone and be in conflict with that person from a lot of viewpoints, but you don't have to get violent. They are two different things.
Yeah, maybe some kind of protection will still be necessary but not what we have now, this is too much. In an anarchist society, where the people do what they want as long as what they wish to don't hurts other people, armies are more or less useless.
People were never expecting that the technology will evolve as much as it did now, so we never know how people will develop from now on. Have a little bit of faith. ;)
I know conflict and violence are not the same. But some conflicts inevitably lead to violence, so I disagree with your anarchist assessment. It's as utopian as communism. It would inevitable devolve into feudalism. Same as communism, it cannot work in large societies where people don't know each other personally, and it degrades to a point where each society that sees eye to eye form local militias, in essence, small armies. I do have faith, but up to a point. Human nature rules us all, and people will fight for their own and ignore stranger's plights.
I more or less agree with what you said. Yes, humans, as we know them right now, would not be able to pull something like this off. But I'm talking about the future, when humans will be more spiritualized beings, something like this may be possible.
Well, who knows what the future holds? Maybe, I dunno. I don't think we can change that much. And in some ways, I don't know if I want to. Competition (thus conflict) breeds innovation. A good enough world breeds complacency. Maybe there will be a better world, and I'm not advocating for a complete status quo. But there's a fine line between ambition, and crazy :p
Till then, our country didn't have its finest day today, so there's that, and it's not the last bad thing to happen. (I wrote a post about it, if you're interested. Sorry if the shilling is off base.) That's why I think that we should be careful going forward in any direction. As mentioned before, I think it's just as utopian, and potentially destructive, as communism, which also sounds great on paper, while reality shows the complete opposite :)
We still have so much to learn buddy!
Yes, we do. I'm curious to see where the world will be in 50 years.
Awesome post my man. Technologized...not civilized.
Thank you. I like how that sounds :D
Your post reminds me of a meme I created during the occupy movement. I handed these out as flyers at our protest in Vancouver. I like how your mustache creates the www. I'm all for clicktivism and freedom of speech. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Oh my, this is so epic. I bet you had a lot of fun at the Occupy Wallstreet movement.
I didn't even realize that the mask can form a WWW, lol :)))
I like Madam Justice, who does carry a sword, as the goatee too. Yes.. Www..where the 3rd world war is taking place. Most people don't know the extent of it but it is massively destructive.
Yup, Madam Justice is awesome.
I like that. I really do.
The only way to change our society is when we start changing ourselves from within.
I like the way you said it.
As you correctly state each of us has the possibility to be an inspiration for compassion and change in our own small sphere. And it is through the modest ripple effect that the collective vibrational energy can raise in frequency. We each have a responsibility to be the best that we can be and to shun, wherever possible, societal doctrine. We need to work on self awareness and shine bright. So glad I stumbled upon you here. I am an artist/writer/lightworker keen to connect with enlightened souls. I have upvoted and followed. I wish you well on your path xox
You stated it so beautiful. There's no turning back after this outstanding comment and your description. You have to join this discord community, Be Awesome, I think you'll be an addition to us. We're all light minded people talking deep-shit. I wasn't that much around lately due to life but there are quality people inside.
Hi @guyfawkes4-20, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.
If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord
This is flattering, thank you. A curator being curated, I like that, lol. I have to check out your discord. :D