The humans mind is unfathomably complex that's why it's the most mysterious thing there is - more than the universe, as they say. Even our own actions (i.e. using common sense for example) can be due to long term influence from people or things that we interact with everyday. But at the same time, it could also be due to our own actions. It's everything from Awesome to Zealous.
Well, one has to know enough about the rest of the universe to call the human mind complex. I don't think it is complex. It is rather rudimentary and basic.
The fact that it acts randomly and stupid doesn't make it necessarily "good"
I guess there's really no need to see it as something that needs to be studied extensively at present, hence the perspective on it being rudimentary and basic.
But to be fair, no one has been able to map the entire pattern of human interactions yet while we already have a theoretical map of the entire universe - which starts from a single point before Big bang.
The reason why I stated that it's everything from awesome to zealous is because these word actually came from our own minds.
I understand your sentiment. Nonetheless, I don't think they can be mapped more than the sand on a random beach. Complexity =/= efficiency
I agree. This should be thought of and handled by the people in the future. A better technology to extract that information and finally make a map will just come.
A map of what exactly though? :)
What's on my mind is the map of human interaction.
Example: There's a suicidal case. In truth, no one would really be able to know all the causes and the values associated with it that summed up to suicide. Even the one who committed suicide wouldn't know. Examples of a cause is let's assume the person's spouse which is too stressful and the value is let's say 8 out of 10. But that's only one and we're not talking about time here yet. What if it's also caused from an experience years ago.
We wouldn't know because all events contribute...and there are trillions (literally) happening all around us, everyday, weaved in very intricate ways