It is interesting how I was thrown back and forth on this topic as I read all the comments. The subject is obviously controversial in that one can look at it from different viewpoints. So I ask this question: TODAY, right now... is it not true that we actually know very little about the space we live within?
In my way of thinking, this statement would in fact be true and even if one day we do learn all about our universe, the statement WAS absolutely true at the time it was made and remains valid forever because it was referenced to a specific time.
That would mean that absolute truths CAN exist as long as they are properly framed. (Don't get me wrong; I'm not arguing your point and I see where you are coming from.) It is an interesting topic and I enjoyed reading all the debate. Is anything absolute? How do we even define the word 'absolute'? I loved the movie, The Matrix for its imagination... What is real? Are we but living a dream? Are we really just bits of spirit/energy, floating around in a parallel dimension and dreaming our entire lives so that the entity we call our-self can experience pain, suffering, fear and death?
For the sake of discussion let's leave mathematics out. e.g you can say with absolute certainty that there are no square circles although the statement itself is self defeating.
Can you name one thing that is absolute truth throughout space and time? If not then pointing specific time and space makes it relative, not absolute.
When you say 'thing', I assume you mean a physical thing? Something that can be measured? A measurement between relative objects would not qualify? (such as to say that the distance between suns is far greater than the distance between molecules of a solid object). Nope... I can't think of anything at this time.