Have you ever wondered what it would be like to know the meaning of life? The reason why we are here and why things are the way they are? We are always looking outwards at the universe, just using the sense of sight to find the answer but what if the answer was within us this whole time? I believe that its exactly it.
Inside most plants, animals and even the human body, we produce a molecule called N,N-Dimethyltryptamine or DMT for short. This molecule is one of humanities greatest discoveries, yet 99% of people have no idea it even exists. This is all down to the government keeping it on the down low. Not because its harmful to us but because harmful for the people in power. it has the power to wake people up to the harsh reality that we live in. I'll explain that in more detail in another post but let's just say it's all down to power and money, when is it not?
For anyone that doesn’t have any experience or knowledge on Psychedelics, let me explain what they do. Psychedelics in short, is pretty much a key that unlocks the doors of your mind, expanding your consciousness, way pass the point you would consider being human. They allow you to reached higher levels of consciousness that even meditation finds hard to touch. With psychedelics like mushrooms and LSD, they have the power to show you the unity and balance of our universe, showing you the answers to questions you never even asked.
In a high dose trip, you will know the meaning of life but the problem is, you can only understand it with a high level of consciousness. It's like teaching a cat how to play chess. It's not possible to fully understand it like you do in a trip with just a normal human brain.
Once you have had the experience, you will remember what it showed you but you won't be able to comprehend and understand it the same way. You just know it's true. This is why people that have never done psychedelics, don’t believe it has a leg to stand on when it comes to being right or wrong. If you can't prove how your theories work then it's not real.
This is the world that we live in, if it can't be observed and measured then it doesn’t exist but that’s a very primitive way of thinking. Do you really think that the universe that we see is all that exists? Our universe is made of energy, the atoms in our body are just one wave length of energy and in the same space exists infinity wave lengths of energy. Its possible all of existence exists all in the same universe as a different vibration of energy and we would have No idea that it's their if it’s a form of energy that we can't detect.
This molecule when ingested has the power to separate your consciousness from your body, It feels like its shifting the vibration of your consciousness so its connected to everything and not just this human body. Sounds pretty farfetched but if you don’t believe me, your more than welcome to give a go but before you do, you're going to need to learn about it first.
Its no normal psychedelic trip. This is the strongest psychedelic known to man and our body handles this molecule very well, so well that it can break it down almost instantly. This shows you that our bodies are supposed to be able to use this molecule in some way. This molecule is 100% safe and cannot harm you in anyway but if used irresponsibly, you could end up being put in your place by the DMT. If you try and fight it then you might cause yourself to get incredibly terrified.
This molecule can transport you to a completely different world. Experience thousands of lives and live years in the space of 15 minutes. This Is a reason why this should not be messed with. There is so much to gain from experiencing a dose of DMT. You gain the knowledge to be able to love yourself, the world around you and the people with you. You gain an amazing ability to connect with others and understand them. Could you imagine what the world would be like if we were able to treat other people with love like we do with ourselves? It would be a utopia. We would cease to see each other as separate beings and we would start to help each other. These are problems we have to deal with in our society and they are denied the chance to help by the government banning them and making psychedelics a taboo, all so we stay in line like good little sheep.
I want people to wake up and realize what's going on and DMT is powerful way to wake people up, that’s if you're not afraid of course. This is one of the most intense experiences you could ever experience in life. When you take that lung full of DMT you begin to shoot down a tunnel at incredible speed. Information floods your brain so fast that it's impossible to hold on to it like liquid gold running through your fingers. All you can do is observe this alien world as it forms around you.
Once you breakthrough, you will have an overwhelming feeling that you have come home and you will be greeted with intelligent life. You will experience the purest form of love in existence but this is just one of the things that can happen. There are levels of the of experience that everyone has but because time is different in this dimension, we forget about the other 99% of the trip because our physical body isnt whats having the experience. Our mind is being separated from our body more and more and the further you go, the more you lose your ego and start seeing everything as your true self. This true self is the universe. All of existence. You will realize we are not just a part of the universe, we are the universe. An infinite existence fooled by the illusion of time.
Everything that you see in the trip is something that you need to see. If you are blind to the harm we causing the world then it might show you all the death and harm we are causing to the planet and its people. If you are trying to overcome the loss of someone in your life, Then you might meet that person and have chance to say goodbye. But I can't guarantee that will happen. This is just what most people experience in those situations. Everything that is shows you, is something that you need to see to help you in some way. It's not always going to be a loving experience, it can be pretty terrifying at times, especially when you try and fight it. Trying to fight the experience is the worst thing you can do. The trip is in control and you can't run away from your own mind. You need to learn how to let go, it's not an easy task but it's something I might be able to help you with in another video.
This molecule has the power to completely change you as a person and once the doors of your mind are open, there is no way to close it. Time is the only thing that will numb your mind to the point close to before you took it but it will always be slightly open. Any substances like marijuana can blow those doors wide open again and I know this from personal experience. Before I tried DMT i was struggling in life with anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. after the experience I began to love life and myself more than any other moment I can remember. You become a much happier person as if your brain has refreshed and upgraded itself, but not everyone can handle this though. When the doors of your mind open, you can finally see what's wrong with the world and now that you are connected hundreds of times more than before, you can feel hopeless in a world we cannot help. There is a high possibility we will never achieve getting humanity to this level of connection of love and importance of helping others and not ourselves before we cause humanity to go extinct. People don’t like knowing that we're slowly killing ourselves with the stuff that we do and the choices we make in life, so we just ignore it. This is why it's so important that you have fully made up your mind and taken this into consideration. You will come out of it a better person but you will no longer be blind to the world.
I know this molecule is an extremely important part of life and I've only touched the surface about DMT. I want to cover more on this topic so if you enjoyed this post, please follow for more. Thank you.
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Very good post well written. An interesting account I have done a lot of recreational trips never DMT itself but the things I have seem completely changed my outlook on life hence where I am now :)