For me the concept of perfection is like infinity. I do not believe it is attainable, yet it is always a goal to strive towards. Basically, I operate from the idea we can always improve ourselves.
We share the same approach toward learning!
Your post has brought me back thinking about what could very well be my favorite wisdom quote, and it didn't came from the mouth of any philosophical authority but was articulated by a fictional character on a Star Trek DS9 episode:
"Ah, an open mind. The essence of intellect."
-Garak, to Bashir
Huh? Garak IS a philosophical authority! Just look at his lie comparison:
Doctor: You have told me lots of stories. Which of them were true?
Garak: They were all true!
Doctor: Even the lies?
Garak: Oh yes! Especially the lies!
Touché! :-)
Hahah... thanks for the reply. I really enjoyed it.