I think Stefan Molyneux might be following the new trend that is call libertarian realism.
Here is channel on YouTube trying to explain it in a somewhat coherent matter:
I listen to his FDR (thought you were talking about Franklin Delano Roosevelt in comparison with Trump at first glance) on and off and my impression of him is that first and foremost he is an adherent to the idea of scientism. A partisan of Aristotelianism rather than of Platonism. His habit of using statistics (as if they are reality themselves) in order to establish his ''truths'', combined with his apparent urge to often explain how the religious frame of mind is some kind of defect in reasoning, are clues to me that his approach to atheism is one of faith in the sense of a belief system.
To understand my perspective on the idea that atheism is also a religion, my French culture background in which secularism has permeated the whole of society (French Revolution in France followed long after by the Quiet Revolution in Quebec province, Canada) compared with what I perceive as remaining traces of influential christianism in anglo-saxon culture, has to be taken into account.
That is why I kind of cringe when I hear our government representatives talking about making the whole of the public body of governance an officially secularist one. As if they wanted laïcité (there seems to be no litteral equivalent in english other than secularity) to be the new official religion of the state, when in fact, why should there be a state religion when dressing codes and all are already in place?
Sorry if I seem like I went off on an unrelated tangent, but I feel it was relevant in order to get the full picture of my vision of who Stefan Molyneux is.