Also, if you're a programmer, quantum theory should make perfect sense to you. Even the effect that is known as Schrödinger's Cat should be very obvious to you and no mystery. How? Reality seems to behave exactly like a game engine.
In quantum theory it's often jokingly explained that the Copenhagen Interpretation would mean that the moon would disappear when no one is looking at it. Well, that's exactly how a game engine works. The world is only rendered where there is an observer.
Similarly, the cat in the box isn't rendered until it's opened. The calculations if the cat is dead or alive are not executed until triggered by the act of observation. This is called Lazy Evaluation in programming, especially Functional Programming.
Also the phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement, where particles seem to communicate instantly, i.e. bypassing the speed of light, is easily explained. The entangled particles are actually properties of the same object in the machine's memory, and are merely rendered to different spots out into the game world.
Got to love quantum theory and as you say, games explain it best... maybe I will write-up a bit on QM from a perceived reality perspective one day.
That's right - there's also an idea that the Universe seems to behave like a hologram, I believe. So interesting.
reality for me is that, in wich i belive. everything is false. For me.