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RE: In-Groups Versus Out-Groups: Why Our Culture is so Fear-Based (Article)

in #philosophy7 years ago

I'm totally onboard with what you're saying. I tend to use the term 'novelty.' The universe is a novelty-generating engine; the further into the future we travel, the more novel forms the universe generates. Whatever creative force is driving these processes keeps stepping into the unknown to create anew. As we are an extension of this process, we too must continuously step out of our comfort zone to keep evolving with the world we inhabit.

On the other hand, should there be no cooperation between groups, with everyone going their separate ways, it'd be an endless conflict leading to total annihilation.

We feel the solution here is decentralization. The EN is an alliance of many different organizations with their unique goals. We support each other in the specific ways we can, but everything is sovereign and working towards our own ends. It's like each group is a cell, and together we make a multi-cellular organism.