Should A Woman Earn More Than A Man In A Relationship?

in #philosophy7 years ago

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Money has a way of creating partitions between people. It creates an invisible barrier and often elevates some people above others. For many, money in a great indication of if one calls the shots or not. After all, it is said “He who pays the piper dictates the tune.”

Money In Relationships

Like many other things, relationships need money. Of course, the amount of money needed varies from culture to culture, but every relationship involves some spending of money. From making phone calls, to buying gifts, to romantic dinners and what nots.. money is involved.

Money becomes pronounced when one of the partners significantly earn and/or spends more than the other. At first, it might go unnoticed but with time, it becomes pronounced as the partners will begin to make changes to adjust to the situation. For most cultures, the make partner is expected to earn and spend significantly more than the female. But what happens when the female earns and/or spends more?

Changing The Status Quo

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I recently got into a conversation with a friend. Amongst other things, we talked about relationships. He mentioned that he had an issue with being in a relationship where the girlfriend spends more money on him than he did on her. That was interesting to me so I prodded further.

From the discussion, it was obvious he wanted to be in charge, he wanted to maintain the status quo. For him, in every relationship, the man had to be earn more and spend more. When asked about women who earn a lot, he replied that such women should seek out men who earn more than them.

My friend is not alone in that school of thought. There are many people (male and female) who believe that the man should earn and spend more. Why? For them, the man has to be in charge. And for him to be in charge, he has to be the one providing the funds.

An Open Ended Discussion

Personally, I see no reason why a man always has to earn more than his partner. I do not endorse laziness or mediocrity. However, there are times when the female partner can simply get lucky or has more connections or is more career driven. All of these can offset the balance and put the woman as the highest earner.

For me, there are underlying issues that need to be addressed before the question that serves as the title can be fully addressed.

#1. What Makes A Man
I remember I read a book by Steven Harvey. Titled Think Like A Man, Act Like A Lady. There, he said a man does three things in a relationship, especially when he really loves and values his partner. For him, these things are essential for a man to always feel like a man:

  • Provide: It is the man’s job to provide for the lady. He advises against women trying to split the bills or even trying to handle it all on her own.
  • Profess: It is the man’s job to declare his love and intention before the woman reciprocates. The woman can give him signals but the man has to speak first
  • Protect: It’s the man’s job to make sure the woman gets the respect and protection she deserves.

Personally, I don’t agree with all of that. i believe it kind of sets the woman lower than the man; makes her totally dependent on the man for her existence and happiness.

I believe that every relationship is unique. Some ladies are comfortable with having a man meet all of their needs while others do not. Furthermore, I believe a man’s ego should be based on his productivity and sense of accountability. As long as a man maximises his potentials and lives accountably, he can take pride in that. He doesn’t need a woman to grovel at his feet for her every need before he can call himself a man.

Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

2. Does Money Breed Respect?

Behind the argument of whether the woman should earn more than the man is the need for respect. It is believed that if the woman provides more of the funds, she would have a hard time respecting the man.

The first flaw in that line of thought is the assumption that money breeds respect. Maybe money breeds respect, but it would be a fake kind of respect. Genuine respect comes from an understanding and appreciation of who a person is. The kind of respect money brings is false and temporary.

Secondly, it is a vote of no confidence in the lady. It indirectly implies that the lady is in the relationship for the money. Of course, money plays a vital role in sustaining any relationship but it isn’t everything. There are other things that sustains a relationship: communication, mutual support, trust, sacrifice amongst others.

At this point, I realise there are divergent views on this topic

What do you think?

[Image source 1: Public Domain Pictures]

[Image source 2: Wikimedia Commons]


Typically, women are attracted to men who are capable providers, even if they weren't consciously looking for such a man. I say just let nature be.


It's alright

Thanks for commenting

As more women are working toward higher educations and join the workforce around the world it is inevitable wage equality will be important. Personally I have never considered wealth as a measure of respect. In fact many criminals are thieves just wearing suits - the trappings of respect. While statistics do say that women seek men who are good providers there are a percentage that seek mates on different qualities - creativity, intelligence, humor, looks, will they be a good father to my children? A man who is confident with his whole self and has a broad mind will earn respect that is real and true more than a man who simply believes he can purchase it. Just my opinion :)

Thanks for your insightful comment

I believe that men who place a premium on earning more than their spouses have their focus wrongly placed.

There's a lot more to a happy and successful relationship and you outlined some of them above.

Thanks for stopping by


Thanks for reading and replying :)
Their focus might be wrongly placed but that is our opinion. In the end if people can manage to make a relationship work as long as they both are truthful with each other and it works for them then so be it.
Happiness is so relative I think.

Thanks for your insightful comment

I believe that men who place a premium on earning more than their spouses have their focus wrongly placed.

There's a lot more to a happy and successful relationship and you outlined some of them above.

Thanks for stopping by


one of the interesting posts I've read today.
It should be equal in both sides. Though my husband earn more than me, our relationship has always been give and take.


And that's what a relationship should be

Thanks for stopping by


Both parties should work hand in hand, marriage connotes singularity, so material things should not intrude an healthy marriage. Great write up man!!!

Thanks for your kind words and compliment


Does it really matter who makes more money? Its supposed to be a partnership, one for all and all for one....personally i don't think it matters

My thoughts man

Just my thoughts

Even though someone has a problem in their family, they must finish in a good way! all can be solved with a positive. unless indeed the relationship can not be fixed!

Thanks for stopping by

Lovely bro you have a very good point on the part you said if money bring respect it true that if a woman have money more than a man it take the fear of God before she would respect the man.


Thanks for stopping by


I have so much to say on this... it could be a separate post hahahahaha

but I'n not sure how much will end up on this comment ;) and I don't really want to write a post on it either hahahaha because I think that topics like this are difficult to discuss.

I think - its best to say just my opinion - and my experience - and why I value it. hehehe

I have a college degree - but I wanted to be a stay at home mom, and raise our children. My husband also valued this. We decided as a couple to pursue this lifestyle. For years, I worked from our home in various creative projects - some very lucrative for us, some not. hehehe

Last year - I decided to take an opportunity to use my skills in a "real" job. I started work making 1/3 of what my husband earned. By the end of the year, I had risen in the company and was making twice what my husband earned.

How do you think this made my husband feel?

Honored. Proud. Blessed.

I wasn't in competition with him. I was an asset to our family, and he told me that now the world could see what he has always seen in me.

Husbands would be wise to realize that a wife is half of a partnership in this life. A strong wife is a benefit. Would he rather be yoked to a strong partner or a weak partner?

A man who can make a strong woman happy, content, and joyful may seem weak - but he is one of the strongest creatures on the planet. (and when the tables were turned, and I was earning more than my husband, he was happy to call me his "sugarmama" LOLOL)

hmmmm actually - I do have a post that I need to write for next week's drop in the ocean theme. I'll use this idea :)


That's a wonderful story, and funny too

I think you should make a post out of this. And I also have to make sure some folks from around here reads it

Relationships are meant to he complimentary and not competitive.

Thanks for sharing

Blessings to you and your family will be my drop in the ocean post for next Monday hehehe