Knowledge is as diverse as people are diverse, that is why it has the sign of diversity.
What is beautiful for you, is not for me, so it is also important the concept to establish our own conclusions.
Thank you friend, for allowing me to reflect with your post. GreetingsHello friend @vieira. Very good reflection between knowledge and definition. From my experience, true knowledge is that in which a close link is established between theory and practice. It is not enough to know the concept, but also, it is necessary its representation, it is very difficult to represent an object that we have never seen, so it would be very exposed to human subjectivity.
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Hello to you!
I agree with you that it is difficult to represent an object that we have not seen, and therefore, it is susceptible to subjectivity, although I would not say for that reason that the object of knowledge is subjective per se.
That is, today I may find someone beautiful, and tomorrow I may change my mind, however, that does not change the beauty that person may or may not have.
Thanks for stopping by and for sharing!