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RE: Why I will never give up Christianity

in #philosophy9 years ago

It all comes down to faith, doesn't it? No matter how smart you are, you still depend on believing. Why is that? The bible is quite open to interpretation, so how do I discern the wrong ones from the right? Which interpretations do I choose to bet my life on? God has given us brains, so we should use them to find the truth. What we have are the scriptures and observations. If they contradict, there is something wrong with my understanding, and I must keep searching.
What do you think?


It's true that some of the Bible is unimaginably hard to understand. Save them for when you have studied enough to understand non-euclidian geometry, quantum mechanics, and women. The parts you "bet your eternal life on" are simple enough for a child to understand. In fact, children are much better off because they realize they can't handle things by themselves. Children, at least are smart enough to say, "Daddy! Help!"

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these"