
Well, I am sure socializing helped you more than hard work. It surely did in my case. Look at the history of my payouts. The recent "success" is thanks to organizing a group of support, not thanks to an increased quality of my work. Which didn't, by the way.

So I think it is mainly about socializing and finding support. My modest success (I won't speak for you) is more "despite" the system than thanks to it because I poured most of my time resources into organizing DeepThink rather than writing posts. =)

That's great! I'm glad you are finding community. No doubt the social skills I'm just beginning to develop have had a huge role to play in my success, thus far.

More to the point for me, is that nobody gets paid just to show up, here. However, as you were saying, all the hard work goes only so far.

As far as all the work goes... I set a standard, "from day one", that that if my posts were going to be worth money, then they we're going to be properly cited, nicely edited and I had a vision in place of what I wanted to accomplish, regardless of "rewards". I want to creat material that will be valuable for the rest of all our lives, fuck the currency (but, no, I need that too!). Because no one knows me, it's not because I'm cool or or friends with everyone, it's about the writing, for me. So yeah I want to get paid, but that's really just my incentive system to bust ass and actually do the damn thing.

Previously, i got trapped in this situation where my success in life revolved around the fact (among other things) of knowing the right people, people knowing who I was, and looking the part (and just being around so long everyone was newer than me).

That was exactly what caused my ability to "produce" to suffer. It's good to start over, and I hope I don't have to make too many of the same mistakes again.

Well, that's a great attitude. I can say it applies to me as well.

How come you're not with @steemdeepthink yet? Or am I missing something? =)

That was quick, I'm on a phone right now so I had to edit that a bunch of times. My application for DeepThink is in. I'm pretty sure that's how I found you, lol. :-D

I was kinda busy for the past week, so I think I'm only just getting to meet the applicant requirements, currently.

Oh cool. We are voting for new applicants now, but the next application should be open in a week or so. =)