Very interesting train of thought. I never really thought about it before but you are correct most technological advances were once thought of as fantasy and imagined in great minds before coming a reality. Without the individual thought patterns that come from the imagination there could be limited growth but I do believe that there has always been those who stand out of the crowd and set them self a different set of standards to the average Joe and they will continue to pursue their imaginations for the benefits of all.
Side note I do love a good movie to stop my imagination running wild somedays. There good and bad in everything.
Yes, there will always be outliers but, will their imaginations be laying a little closer to the average each generation?
I like a good movie too but I haven't seen many lately. No time and when I have watched, I have been underwhelmed. :)
Yes many are underwhelming th are days. They rely to much on technology and special effects and less on the story line. And yes you are correct in that very day we being ourselves closer to average. Very sad to think about. But at least it should be easier for thosewho think outside the box to stand out.