I am religious.
In my perspective heaven and hell is a state. Its not a place.
Heaven is a yes to God and simply doing good in this life, a test.
Earth is not perfect, it is beautiful but riddled with sin and pain, hardship.
Because many people do not want to do good.
That is exactly why heaven, is another place where these hardships don't exist.
Hell is a state of being without God anyway, freewill is a gift that people must be careful of. It's a state of choosing evil over good.
Jesus was jewish but he changed many things, that's why he taught new ways.
Then again, nobody should force you. You are the pilot of your own life.
It would be a lie to be in a religion and not accept it fully, or believe.
I appreciate your reflections and openness.
If you do believe in God, and religion is undefined then communicate with God, he knows your thoughts and what good you have done.
He is always with you.
Sorry I didn't see your comment until now.. I really like your explanation and I like your approach of being mindful of everyone. I wish more people shared your values. Thanks for the great comment. Take care.