This was a really interesting read, @meno. I've never been able to fathom the droves of people who come here and post regurgitated, non-original content and upvote themselves on it, but I guess it's quite possible that they come from either a mentality which screams of lack; or find themselves in a place where they are actually, physically experiencing lack and are desperate to change that...
As an original content creator, I have always upvoted my own posts. To be honest, this is primarily because it was the default setting when I first started posting and I've never thought to challenge or question that. You've got me scratching my head wondering whether I look like a pleb for doing so now, though, lol! Meh, do I care what I look like? Not really! But if I'm shooting myself in the foot with it, maybe I need to reconsider. (I never upvote my own comments, btw, as somehow that would seem like a very odd thing to do. I guess if I think about it, when it comes to my posts, I genuinely DO value and love the content that I upload. One could see that self-upvote as giving my post a high-five and sending it out into SteemWorld! Good vibes, start the ball rolling, that kind of thing...After all, if we don't stand behind our own work foursquare, who is going to?
Anyway, thanks for sharing - food for thought, for sure :)
Jay x