Haha I'm guilty of trying astral projection myself haha! I think we all have that phase. No? Just us then haha!
we soak in our creation, and then beg to be pulled out of it
That's the fallacy, isn't it? We try to be in the moment, yet we mull the past and look forward to the future. Are humans destined to just repeat this sort of cycle? I would think if we get over the hump, enlightenment will come... by not seeking enlightenment, that is.
I learned a lot about that pull into the future and the past by ego-- the moment that I was able to be for more than a few seconds at a time, all kinds of epiphanies and realizations came to me, and I realized the traps of trying to attain a higher level of awareness when this existence was suddenly and obviously the whole point. This. This is it!