The term "Integrity" may still seem strange to those of us who do not know it yet.
Understanding Integrity
Understanding Integrity is the consistency or firmness that can not be shaken in menjungjung values of beliefs and principles. Or Integrity is a concept that shows consistency or determination of action with values and principles. If the ethics of integrity can be interpreted as the truth and honesty of one's actions.
In the world of work Understanding Integrity can be defined as consistent in acting in accordance with the code of ethics and workplace policies. Have an understanding and desire to adjust to the ethics and policies of the place of work and can act consistently to implement it. Integrity becomes one of the elements on the character that underlies the emergence of professional attitude attitudes. Can be a quality that underlies the emergence of trust of others and become a benchmark for other members in testing the decision making in a job.
Integrity requires a person in carrying out his profession to be honest, frank and consistent. For example, a leader should prioritize service to the community so that people become believers, so should not give priority to personal gain.
People who have good integrity of course he will be honest to himself and to others. If to himself is not honest then it will be so to others. The person who has integrity will surely be faithful to his life purpose, and what he has set as his life goal will endeavor to live his life consistently despite the problems to achieve his goals, he will still try to solve the problems that hinder him.
Surely someone who has integrity will be responsible to himself, and not easy to tire others when problems and failures arise. Because he realized that the purpose of life should be fought. He will always try to keep his promise, because to gain the trust of others in life is needed.
Forms of Integration
It is important that we understand what forms of Integration in understanding the Definition of Integrity. According to the notion of integration divided into national integration, nation integration, community integration, and cultural integration.
National Integration
National integration is the process of uniting elements in a country. Thus, it will produce a harmonious pattern of life for the country.
Integration of the Nation
Before discussing the integration of the nation, we will first study the meaning of the nation. The word nation comes from English, nation which means nation. While the nation itself comes from the Latin, nation means something has been born. About the definition of the nation some experts have expressed his opinion.
1. Ernest Renan: He argues that the nation is formed because of the desire to live together (desire united) with the loyal feelings of a great friend.
2. Otto Bauer: Bauer argues that the nation is a group of people who have characteristic similarities. Characteristics grow because of the fate equation.
3. F. Ratzel: Ratzel argues that the nation is formed because of the desire of unity. That desire arises because of the sense of unity between man and his place of residence.
4. Hans Kohn: Kohn said that the nation is the fruit of human life power in history. A nation is a diverse group and can not be formulated exactly. Most nations have certain objective factors that distinguish it from other nations.
These factors are inheritance, region, language, customs, political similarities, feelings, and religions. The most important objective factor of a nation is a will or a common will that is better known as nationalism. In the life of a nation, we must be aware of the diversity based on the sense of unity and unity of the homeland, language, and ideals.
Friedrich Hertz of Germany in his book Nationality in History and Politics suggests that every nation has four elements of aspiration as follows.
The desire to achieve national unity consisting of social unity, economy, politics, religion, culture, communication, and solidarity.
The desire to achieve complete independence and national independence, which is free from foreign domination and interference with its internal affairs.
Desire in independence, excellence, individuality, authenticity or uniqueness, such as upholding an independent national language.
The desire to stand out (excel) among nations in the pursuit of honor, influence, and prestige.
Furthermore, the understanding of the nation is progressing. The concept of the nation has two understandings, namely the nation in the sense of sociology of anthropology and the nation in the political sense.
In the sociological sense of anthropology, the nation is regarded as an association of people who need each other and work together to achieve the common goal of a particular region. While in a political sense, it is a society within a region of the same and they are subject to the sovereignty of their country as a supreme authority inward and inward.
Cultural Integration
Cultural integration is a combination of cultural elements that are different from each other so as to produce harmony in the life of the community. Cultural elements are language, knowledge system, social organization, living equipment system and tekonologi, livelihood system, religious system, and arts.
The elements that led to cultural integration are as follows:
The existence of cultural elements are mutually different, such as the pattern of equipment used, the style of the building, and the pattern of custom clothing.
There is a process of adjustment between different elements.
The creation of a harmonious relationship pattern to the community due to the process of adjustment of cultural elements.
Community Integration
Community Integration is a process of integration and unification among elements of society which include institutions, social standing, and social roles.
Social Integration
Social integration is a process of adjustment between the different elements that exist in social life so as to produce a harmonious pattern of life for the community.
The elements that cause the occurrence of social integration are as follows:
1. The existence of different elements in social life, for example the social organization of social organization and knowledge system.
2. There is an adjustment process of different elements and each of these elements adjusts to each other.
3. The creation of harmonious living patterns in society as a result of the process of adjustment of elements that are different from each other so that there is a sense of unity in the community.
A social integration is said to be successful if it meets the following conditions:
1. All members of the community feel that they are filling each other's needs and not interdepending or harming each other.
2. There is an intergroup consensus on social norms that give direction to desired goals and be a study of ways and efforts to make them happen.
3. The persistence of these norms is relatively slow and changed every time.
The Importance of Integrity In Life
Integrity is greatly needed nowadays, that's why people think integrity is so important to him. But there are still people who often ignore the integrity or even some who have not realized how important integrity. To be a successful or successful person is required integrity, because the integrity of goals or goals in life can be achieved. Here are some reasons why integrity is essential in life:
Integrity is one of the keys to success or success.
As the meaning of integrity is a way a person can be consistently slalu towards holding the existing values. If a person holds up his values or principles then success can be achieved. In the world of work of integrity is certainly indispensable, can be seen a lot of people who occupy high and achieve success in the world of work because he has good integrity.
Integrity enables human beings to lead and lead.
In this life there must be two positions that are led and led. For those who are led, if connected with integrity, the ability to remain faithful to the person who leads them. The person who has integrity is a person who has a person of good quality, and a qualified person is a person who can learn from others and individuals who are able to cooperate with others.
With integrity can make a person gain trust.
The point is that beliefs are related to words that are manifest into reality that is by actions done honestly. Because with honesty it will gain the trust of others. With honesty also then every time will gain the trust of others and not just get the trust in terms of words alone but also get in terms of responsibility.
Integrity can produce a good reputation.
With integrity one does not only have a good image in the eyes of people, but also will have a good reputation. Because if a person has a good integrity then the person will adjust the words or actions that do. Good speech will produce a good image while good words and actions will produce a good reputation in the eyes of others.
Hopefully my writing is about understanding this integrity is able to provide benefits and better knowledge. I am also studying with all this. @jesica