Thank you! for clarity.
I do agree on the not upvoting comments part as a general rule of thumb,but I have and will continue to do so in cases were I feel that my input has value and to help it be seen by author.
How many of them could afford to buy 269 Steem, I could not afford that!!!
I have bought aprox 25 sp w/ bitcoins from faucets.. and that was at 1.25,and 0.88 about half and average of $1 per SP...
Thank you for not being offended! you are good people ! I appreciate all you do!
This is exactly what debates are for - to see different views. Sometimes we can be blinkered by our own biases.
Again another validation of Steemit - people like you guys can have a fairly heated discussion but you both respect each other's opinion.
Love it! :-)