Sincerely speaking, I have never read a better comprehensive analysis of steemit-Facebook clash of interest.
I think this brings out the hidden underlying factors that many of us have failed to reason out.
I mean, come to think of it, Facebook knows about Steemit. They are pretty much aware of the impending danger and harm this platform could cause to their user base as well as their stand in the social media space. They have every opportunity and leverage to knock out steemit by incorporating this kind of curation system on their platform , BUT THEY HAVEN'T!
It means, it's not that straight forward and easy for them. I saw a lot of reason with every point you made.
I still maintain my stand that steemit will be a major competition to Facebook and all centralized social networks out there. Maybe not this year. Maybe not even three years from now....but definitely, eventually it will get there.
There's this natural diffusion that takes place when people start learning they can earn on a platform for doing the same thing they were doing previously on another platform.
I for one, haven't made a single post on Facebook since I joined steemit in December. You can imagine how gravely my attention has shifted.
People are trying to rush it but there is a long way to go before truly mainstreaming it. People forget it is still in Beta and has many issues to iron out. As we grow though, it has a lot of potential along the way.
I have been largely MIA there a while too ;)