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RE: There Are No Absolute Truths (Part 2)

in #philosophy8 years ago

It does not matter if there is no absolute truth or not. What matters is that relativism leads to bad implications. Therefor absolute morality is an important aspect of society, even if it changes gradually. Absolutism may be a social construct but it is absolutely vital for civilization to prosper and even exist.


Absolutism also leads to bad implications.
Ask any political or religious leader.

Come on man. You can do better than this.

That depends on what vision is accepted as absolute. Of course society is always measured on a scale of relativism and absolutism and never completely one or the other. A good balance would be 80% absolutism and 20% relativism. I would say this represents 1950s America. Today we have the opposite and we see where it leads to.

Again. We can never be 80% or 20% that. These things are extremely complex.

From what you are saying you just seem to miss the old good times. It is something to be expected. How old are you? :)