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RE: Time Cycles, Precession & The Schuman Resonance

in #philosophy8 years ago

this is an interesting tangent.

my imagination suggests that we are building technology in an attempt to replicate and therefore understand ourselves.

as we develop tech like the capacity to send thoughts by sms due to an implant, for example, we would essentially have created man-made telepathy.

i'd be curious to know what happens when humanity stops actively disbelieving in telepathy, as in, we know it can exists because we built it.

I imagine that there is a possibility that more people may start experiencing such phenomena naturally because there is no longer a cultural blockage in place due to the dominant belief that telepathy is impossible.

i use this as an example of how things we might consider toxic can could actually provide resistance that causes evolutionary growth - just as a muscle requires resistance to grow.


Yes technology is certainly an attempt to replicate and in turn understand ourselves and perhaps our higher functions. This seem to be the case alongside our need to replicate all aspects of nature. I suppose the net itself is a sub-concious re-creation of our connection to natural law and indeed reality itself, a connection many have forgotten. I'm with you in relation stress and toxidity potentially creating spontaneous evolution and in may ways that's happening as I type. Regarding implants and in light of recent spying allegations I don't think there is a man/woman or agency in the world that I'd trust with a potential backdoor into my brain. But lots more on all this in part two.