We often hear the need to be matured enough for any task that we intend to undertake or risk dinning with the dreaded F - Failure.
For instance, we are usually warned of the need to be matured for marriage before venturing into it.
And in vain, we usually reach for the dictionary hoping to find out the exact meaning of the term, MATURITY.
Unknown to us that, there is hardly any dictionary that has the exact meaning of MATURITY as it is usually intended.
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, maturity is defined as:
“the quality of being mature; especially: full development.”
The Longman and Oxfoxd Advanced Learners' Dictionary describe the term as:
“(of a person, animal or plant) the state of being fully grown or developed.”
However, they both have another definition of the term that gives an insightful meaning of it:
“the quality of thinking and behaving in a sensible, adult manner.”
Wikipedia sees maturity from a psychological lens and describes it as:
“...the ability to respond to the environment in an appropriate manner. This response is generally learnt, rather than instinctive”
Yet, for a beginner or an average learner, that may still not be exhaustive.
So it was for me at the beginning, and for some time until I deliberately went on a marathon search for the various intended meaning of the term: MATURITY.
Hence, this write up is the result of that prolonged search.
Do you really believe that you matured?
Have you attained maturity on all sides?
Read on.
First thing first. Maturity is your ability to accept yourself, to love and respect yourself and to enjoy being yourself, and to keeping improving yourself however you can.
Maturity is the ability to walk away from or avoid every situation and person that disturbs your peace of mind.
Maturity is your ability to understand that the only person that you are superior to is the person that you were yesterday; not any one else. Hence, the need to accept and treat everyone kindly.
Maturity is your ability to give room for others' opinion because yours are not always the best and final.
Maturity is your ability to show humility and kindness to all, and at all times.
Maturity is when you understand what and when to let go.
Maturity is your ability to understand that you need to make positive impact on humanity
Maturity is when you understand that all the good things that you do for others is for your own good.
Maturity is when you stop proving to everyone that you are RIGHT.
Maturity is when you know that you need to invest in your relationship every now and then to make it work.
Maturity is showing love to your loved ones and caring for them, knowing that they are the number one in your life.
A matured person knows that he or she does not always get what he or she wants every time.
Maturity is when you understand the need to forgive every hurt, bearing in mind that our journey together here is very short, rather than trying to hurt people back.
Maturity is your ability to think about others, and not just yourself. But that you cannot please everyone
Maturity is when you give more than you take; when you love more than you judge.
Maturity is responsibility, maturity is humility, and maturity is love!
Maturity is learning from your mistakes, and moving on, rather than pointing accusing fingers at anyone.
Above all, maturity is acknowledging the existence of the Almighty God, knowing Him, and serving Him with all your strength. He made all things so beautiful!
In, conclusion, the LONELY PHILOSOPHER has an abridged description of MATURITY that is worth considering for a quick review:
Maturity is the ability to understand the followings:
How to act
When to act
Why to act
How not to act
Why not to act
Maturities has nothing to do with age, education qualification, professional accomplishments or the amount of power or wealth somebody holds;
It is the ability of a person to respond to a situation which benefit the greater cause
A less matured person jumps around trying to grab everything, but in the end circles back with nothing.
Thanks for reading.
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Image source: Google images
My favorite definition of maturity is one I stumbled across many years ago that stuck in memory: "Maturity is 90% fatigue."
In other words, immaturity comes from the excess energy of your youth being applied to the wrong things -- or to two many things. Maturity means prioritizing properly, learning to care about the things that actually matter and leaving the rest to other people and/or God.
Therefore, to me, maturity ia the fulfilment of the serenity prayer: developing the strength to change the things you can, the fortitude to accept the things you can't and the wisdom to know the difference.
absolutely if the "quality" of thy milk is "over mature" its old and spoiled no good...if the quality of milk is under mature then it may not yet be ready.......so "quality"indeed ...maybe a good start ... honey for me tho it sweet and lasts forever
Blessings for the post
Thank you Kindly
I love this article, also, age isnt a requirement for maturity.
google images is no considered a source though, please follow the image link to where the image originated from, then use that as the source. or better yet, use pictures that aren't copyrighted.
Noted, boss