Underneath the Hood of Our Days of the Week

in #philosophy8 years ago

Passed down knowledge of the ancients appears all around us even in the present.
This truth is truly evident in the energies foundationing our days of the week...

Sunday || "SUNday" - The Day of our SUN | The Cause to our Effect - Pretty easy link to the sky connection for our first day of the week

Sundays are for setting the vision and energy of the forthcoming days, exactly in the same way it leads our world. The energy is strong in setting forth a gameplan to achieve the vision. Full of Universal masculine energy needed in sparking the cycle of generation and change

Monday || "MO(O)Nday" - Carries the energy of our Moon - Represents the inner feelings and essence we carry. Inverts the energy of Sunday. Strong polarity at the beginning of our weeks

Monday is a reflective day towards our inner passions. It is Full of Universal feminine energy needed in magnetically drawing in the spark and birthing change. Expressively Shine the visions on Sunday, and feel reflective about it on Monday...but do act

Tuesday || "MARtes en Espanol" - On this day, we behold the Mars energy - warrior-like focus and aggressive pursuit of the sparking vision that was charged for the week

Tuesday is where we chase and defeat the blockers to our vision of Self. We take on the countenance of Mars by being a warrior and also a Champion of character through tenacity. We can take advantage of this day by acting in this energy through action and encounters. Strong masculine energy on this day

Wednesday || WODEN's day - Named after Woden, a Germanic deity who represents the translation of Mercury, the messenger to the gods and champion of arts, athletics, and truth

Wednesday is for communication and sound mental application towards actions of our vision. Wednesday is a great mid-week check in point on our progress while creating, and with those we're creating with. Meetings, linking up, and fellowship abounds. This day is androgynous

Thursday || THORSday - Named after the esoteric leader of the celestial gods, Thor, or Jupiter. Our largest planet and the jovial captain of the team

Thursdays hold power towards our inner leadership expressed outwardly, and our luck. Thursday is also prime for joyous and humorous times. Strong masculine energy on this day, and it's actually my favorite day of the week!

Thursday = The College Friday

Friday - "Frija's Day" ... her being an ancient goddess of Love, Beauty, Wealth ... cough, cough Venus. Venus represents Love, Beauty, Money, Health... all the Finer things

Friday is when we experience and share in the beautiful people, things, and moments of life. Many dates occur on Friday and our wealth usually is increased on Fridays too. Strong feminine energy on this day

Saturday --> SATUR(N)day - Saturn's energy is this day fully. Saturn is the polar opposite in esoteric meaning to our Sun in the naturally-observable sky, (which is without aid of scopes or optics). Dark magnetism and composure are the vibrations associated with Saturn.

The energy dubbed "Satan" is personification of Saturn's esoteric qualities, in relation to the light-led balance of our Solar System

Saturday is when we can draw together the remaining portions of activity needed to complete this week's vision . We often work on side businesses on Saturdays, specifically, quickening our ability to draw our ultimate vision. Saturn, representing cool, magnetic darkness, often invites nightlife adventures. Strong masculine energy here

Our days of the week have inward energy connections to our celestial neighbors in the sky.

All things happen on days of the week...
See which one you're in now,
envision the one that's your hopeful tomorrow.
Let's transmute within it accordingly!


Perspective... You choose how you look at things and react to things in this You-niverse. Your energy determines your reality. Great post brother... Great vision. Much Luv!