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RE: The Believer in Us

in #philosophy7 years ago

Very sound advice. I dont think that religion and spirituality are the same. The human mind always seeks answers and it has invented "god" to answer most unknowns. Religion was a way for the intellectual class to control power by having a facade of rulers. Religion is more politically driven today by those in charge of it, but to the average person who believes in religion, it gives a code to live by, that usually tends to be the word of god.

Believing in a supernatural power is spirituality and allows one the freedom of having an individual moral code and also giving the freedom to decide right and wrong.

Aethism, well till humans can figure out a way to travel to the fourth dimension will always stay validated. People believed the world is flat till it waa proven otherwise.

I agree with you. Humans should develop the ability to distinguish superstition from coincidence. We all have a belief system that acts gives us meaning in life, specially during the toughest of times. If logic is always used, it will help in finding a solution, than merely waiting for fate to act or a supernatural power to save us.

Frankly, to each his own, but whatever one wants to believe, as long as it is well reasoned and well thought out, i think its ok.

Some of your articles are really good, this being one.


Some eh? Thanks ;) The thing with belief, is that it motivates behavior for people to do things, to act, to create a way of life, to create the world as it is. Belief is a big problem for why the world is the way it is. Not all belies are doing us good... :P

Haha, true.

And to clarify, all are good, some very good :)