Rainbows don't share any beliefs or thoughts outside of what I wrote about in the first part of this series, which may even have some of my own bias attached to it. As a truly decentralized, non-organization, there is no shared dogma to the Rainbow Family besides that we are all family.
One of the "rules" of the gathering is that there are no ground-scores until after it ends, so even if someone finds an item on the ground somewhere, they are going to bring it to the nearest public place (or all the way to Info Camp) and hang it up for the owner to find if they come looking. All exchanges of physical items at the Gathering are done on the gift economy or barter as well, so whatever you would like to extrapolate from all of these things and their relationship to property.
As for Marx, I would guess that most Rainbows haven't read him, just like most other humans on the planet who have no actual idea what his ideas were, just brief comments on him from other people.
I am curious what you mean by "this kind of people", because that's generally the sort of phrase someone uses when applying a prejudice to a large group of humans based on a couple of experiences, that often aren't even applicable. The Rainbow is an event, a family, an idea based fundamentally on peace, cooperation, and voluntary interaction, so the idea of forced redistribution is completely anathema to the concept of Rainbow.
Thanks Kenny for your answer! Yes, like you say, I got prejudices because if met some people before who went or were planning to go to the gathering. I just should give it a try!
Thanks for bringing my attention to this event! :-)