You Can’t Read or Learn Your Way Into Confidence


You can’t read or learn your way into confidence.

Confidence is something you have to learn the hard way. And the problem is that you feel less confident overall each time you turn away from a new opportunity.

But the opposite is true too. The only way to get more confident is to do things that scare you. This might sound impossible. After all, if you were confident enough to reach for your dreams then you wouldn’t need to read about confidence.

But building your confidence doesn’t mean immediately going after your big dreams. You can’t build the top layers of a house without the foundation. And you can’t get enough confidence to do anything without first getting the confidence to do the small things without fear.

Try the following instead:

1. Find your comfort zone.
Look at all the aspects of your life and work out your comfort zone for each area, the things you can do with confidence.

2. Decide what changes you want to make.

3. Plan tiny steps.
Start building your confidence with small steps. Take tiny actions towards your goals, steps that make you uneasy but don’t fill you with terror.

4. And keep taking tiny steps.
Before long, you’ll look back and realize just how far those steps have taken you.

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Usefull tips! Confidence is the secret to success and sharing this is sharing success. Thanks!