50/50 - The Importance of a Collaborative Economy

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Note: I'm not talking about taxation.

In this write-up, I wish to explore the power of fairness, and why it is in anyone's best interest to seek for the 50/50 deal when it comes to collaborations. This is written in hopes to inspire content creators to start building collaborative relationships with their peers.

From aggregation to sharing (collaborative) economy - a hint?

Uber and Airbnb are examples of aggregators. These setups function as curators and regulators. Such a model allows for exposure and discovery of related products and services. However, value creation of such a model is necessarily siloed. Afterall, an aggregator is a middleman taking a cut out of every aggregation service rendered to fund its various business activities. In this way, actual service providers may not enjoy the full fruits of their labor.

Enter the sharing, collaborative economy -

I'm not talking about taxing wealth creation for redistribution. In fact, the sharing economy is quite like the aggregation economy, except that the middleman cut is distributed amongst the supporters of the social network that may otherwise be siloed by an aggregator. Such a social network curates and self-regulates its own directory of service providers or content creators. Participants in the sharing economy are involved in the platform as a whole, and not separated from it. Just like Steemit.

There is a great reason for such a market force: wealth creation should be distributed fairly, with its machinations and moving parts to be decided by the general consensus. There is power in fairness and it's becoming enabled by blockchain technology. Peer-to-peer, with the entire network acting as a regulatory middleman.

One example is Arcade City -

It is like Uber.. but without the giant corporation taking 10-15% out of every transaction. Theoretically, supporters of the Arcade City network are in fact, the collective middleman. It's a relatively smaller middleman cut compared to Uber. The cut is distributed amongst the network participants instead of being siloed in a centralized entity.

With the recent fiasco happening in Steemit when it comes to content aggregators, please note that it's up to the market forces in Steemit to adjust its course to support the model that better distributes wealth creation.

Such a paradigm shift marks the importance of the 50/50 -

It is a powerful lesson, and one that we could all learn from. Sure, it's anyone's choice to be a lone wolf in the economy. However, social interactions are a huge part of economic participation. On a personal note: I have the tendency to work alone, simply because it's faster. However, when it comes to creating value with others, I only see advantages in making 50/50 a default. My best deals are always made with those that understand the 50/50 paradigm. Mathematically-speaking, there are no other ratios to symbolize the concept of sharing.

Benefits of 50/50 collaborations

Collaboration is not new, but the point of this article is to promote 50/50 as the golden mean in collaborations. If you're always seeking the largest advantage in a partnership, then perhaps collaboration isn't your thing. The crux of a good collaboration involves two-or-more active participants. A one-sided deal isn't always the best for human emotions. Here are some of the great benefits in mindful 50/50 collaborations:-

  • By seeking fairness, you are mentally equipped to look for people with complementary skills.
  • 50/50 maximizes sense of ownership, bringing the best out of all parties involved.
  • Cross-disciplinary collaborations create hybrid, unique initiatives with added value.
  • A more involving process creates better learning, diversification, and distribution of value.
  • Trust and reputation will be strengthened and distributed - producing greater network effects.
  • 50/50 allows for leeway. Collaborators can mutually adjust contributions and manage expectations.

With respect to Steemit, deep-collaboration is perhaps the best kind of initiative to support. This is something for the community to consider if it is socioeconomically better to distribute wealth creation appropriately to active-participants.

A brief primer on 50/50 collaborations

Trust and reputation are obvious first filters when it comes to determining candidates for collaboration. There is no way around this. You would have to rely on personal interactions, testimonials, benchmarks, and gut feeling. Do your due diligence. The following highlights the rest of the way.

Profile yourself & focus on strength -

Try profiling yourself and others using the T-profile method. Everyone has broad interests and certain deep skill-sets. They're all strengths. Go ahead, try using the T-profile on yourself! I would suggest that you save it up and use it as a summary of your character when it comes to collaborating with potential peers.

Complementing each other with personal strengths is good enough justification for a 50/50 collaboration - I'm sure you'd agree with that. Honest market actors will also tend to volunteer shifting the initial 50/50 offer, if one side is generally more skillful or reputable.

Manage expectations -

Start with loose goals and deadlines. Collaboration dynamics will sort itself out over time, and indeed, take your time before setting up more focused goals. It is important to manage expectations when collaborating. Trust each other to deliver, and speak openly about any disagreements.

Try to add on top of suggestions -

It's easy to say "But.. this and that.. let's try my way". However, I personally find it more fulfilling and constructive to add onto suggestions, saying "And.. this and that.. let's make it better!". Bring the best out of a collaboration by improving on ideas, and not spending too much time debating whose idea is better. Inconsistency of ideas will reconcile at a later time.

The importance of a fair, collaborative environment.

Humanity is largely diverse and uneven. However, human activities / complete free market is inherently unfair. The savvy money-hungry market actors triumph over good creators. Wealth acquisition is a skill - and there's nothing wrong with that. The best that we can do is to even it out in our own little ways.

What I'm trying to say is this - we can find fairness in an unfair world if we put our minds to it. It is not about forcing others to share with you, but rather, for you to seek fairness when interacting with others. Go solo or go with a 50/50 mentality. Don't do it just for the money, but do it for the deeper interactions that such collaborations necessarily lead to. That's how the game will change.

I hope this write-up is going to inspire involving, 50/50 collaborations on Steemit. Or life in general. Never underestimate the power of fairness.

Here's an example of a nicely executed 50/50 collaboration.

Written exclusively for Steemit.

Image sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Follow me @kevinwong


This post gave me an idea for 50/50 collaboration I could do on steemit. It has been suggested to me that I do a typed version of all my videos, but I don't like to write so I ignored the suggestion. Now my idea is with a 50/50 collaboration, someone else could write the text version inspired by my video in their own words, not word for word. That person could post my video along with their typed version and we spit the rewards. So now I would just need to talk about this in my next video blog post to see if anyone would be interested.. sweeeet :)

my most recent video

50/50 works very well for our local bounce house business, as we split the money earned 50/50 between personal and business expenses, all our utility bills are business expenses, and food is personal

I can create summaries for your videos. Let me know what you think!

I think the best way to do it is write something based on his videos (@craig-grant) and post it along with the video and split the rewards. @craig-grant has a video almost everyday and I agree it'll be nice to have a companion write-up to go along with the videos - they're pretty good imo :)

Craig there is an app on iphone6 that converts everything you say into text. Its very easy to use and would do the job for you ! just hold down the microphone symbol as you make your video :)
Would be happy to do the editing too ( and referencing if needed).


@razvanelulmarin i remember Dragon Dictation on iOS does that 8]

There is a lot of potential for 50/50 collabs on this platform. 50/50 is a good starting point for negotiating one-off deals and in certain types of situations.

Note: For most industries and especially competitive ones it's important to have different allocations based on talent/skills/contributions + supply/demand. It is not easy to determine what that allocation is that will get everyone motivated, but it's important for a company to do that early and 50/50 rarely works in those situations. I think it's important for people to be realistic and aware of their contributions relative to others to find a split that works. Those who are the biggest contributers should get the largest rewards. In Steemit those that have created the platform and keep the network up should get more than others. If there is too much of an imbalance than users will leave, growth will slow, and other blockchains (Synereo/Akasha/Yours) will be more competitive. It's a balance that will be worked out naturally. If people contribute more: skills, talent, time, resources isn't it more fair that you get more? I think 50/50's get the ball rolling when people are unfamiliar about each other's potential contributions. I think it's also important to be able to agree and learn to accept uneven splits as well.

Yup it's a different game when in a firm. However, one-on-one interactions IMO can be based on 50/50 - tangible or not, I guess I'm just trying to present a mindset of treating each other as equals. Firms are made up of individuals anyway. And yup, uneven splits was address and you're right - 50/50 to get the ball rolling would be the best default before settling onto something fairer for both parties as they get to know each other :)

Complementing each other with personal strengths is good enough justification for a 50/50 collaboration - I'm sure you'd agree with that. Honest market actors will also tend to volunteer shifting the initial 50/50 offer, if one side is generally more skillful or reputable.

Great post. It got me thinking about why I haven't yet done any collaborations. For me, I think, my biggest concern is that I don't want to make Steemit feel like an obligation, like "work." If I commit to something with someone else, then I've made an obligation for myself. I'll probably really enjoy it and benefit from the result, but it could very easily be "work" and I'm enjoying Steemit as an escape from work (maybe a little too much, to be honest).

Good thinking ahead :) sometimes i tend to get into collabs so much that I manage to destroy my own schedule. Happened to me back in 2014 - so much going on, and nothing much to show for at the end of the year. I've become a little more selective after :)

Well the market strives toward efficiency, maximum efficiency, which implies that the middlemen will eventually compete themselves into extinction.

As more and more competition is introduced, the profit of each middlemen shrinks, and eventually some disruptive blockchain technology comes into existence (as a more competitive pressure) that will just make them extinct entirely.

  • Cryptocurrency will do this with payment processors.
  • P2P ride sharing will do this with monopolistic/oligopolistic taxi companies
    .... and so on, it's a disruptive tsunami we are experiencing right now!

Do you think our concept of currencies will cease to exist or be disrupted by something else, someday? :D

No, I think currency will always exist in some form or another, because we will always need a civilized an strategic quantification of matter.

Even long after we become intergalactic, whenever new resources or land is discovered, it will need to be organized and divided somehow, and one form of currency or another will always have to exist for that purpose.

This will be an interesting topic for us someday :)

What I'm trying to say is this - we can find fairness in an unfair world if we put our minds to it. It is not about forcing others to share with you, but rather, for you to seek fairness when interacting with others.

I agree! It's clear that the world is unfair but we can create fair situations ourselves.

There's nothing wrong with making as much money as possible sometimes, but I find it more fulfilling to collaborate with people with other goals in mind as well.

Yes I like the cool-chilled out beginnings of a collab when you're getting a feel of the other person's "working" style. Just amazing how the end goal could turn out rather differently :) Thanks for dropping by @edgeland!

Great points. I recently started a Quality Content Aggregation Featurette and the eventual payout is distributed among all participants. I think I will change it to add older content and allow older content to generate income for the authors as well... if my platform picks up and gets upvotes that is lol.

Thanks for a good read and helping Steemit succeed in becoming a better place. Take care. Peace.

Thanks for dropping by a word @krnel I will check out your aggregation post :) Cheers for the initiative!

There's so much Steeming in this post... thanks for the article and dedication to this environment, namaste :)

Great post. Agree with such ideas quite a bit.
The word give is on of the oldest words in the English language that has not changed for over 10,000 years because it is such a great natural idea that does not need to change!

There must always be 2...a master and an apprentice.

master 90% / apprentice 10% ..

The balance shifted a bit after I did this...

You are your own apprentice that masters your self more and more.
There is only one, the force, the infinite living spiritual mind of all, we are all part of that force...

That 50/50 image you used is excellent!

I like the 50/50 idea but...I'm just curious about collaborations in which one party is doing most of the 'heavy lifting'. Some collaborations are set up in the beginning to have the different parties take on roles that may be more valuable than other roles.

Yup, for the best kind of collabs, find one partnership that will work around the 50/50 region :)

how in the world did you get 90 upvotes in 15 minutes lol

Maybe something to do with the 644 followers).

that could have something to do with it huh lol

Just maybe, lol

Great post, 50/50 = balance

Excellent post Kevin!

The win-win outcome is the only thing that keeps humanity going forward. If it a win-lose it would be a system based on force and/or deceit and it would both immoral and counter-productive.

I like your 50-50 idea :)

I was hoping to get pure anarchists talking about this.. it's easy to see this as a communist idea, but it's not.. just a mindset of finding the right people to work on a good split :) Thanks @the-alien, appreciate it :D

Sounds communist. I like it. ;-D
Now I fully understand why people on the faaar right and faaaar left are both libertarians. :->

Lol it's not communist at all if.. I've tried to make that clear
It's not about taxation (or getting others to agree with 50-50 outright), but to approach the right people with a 50-50 mindset :)

Communism is not about taxation though. It is about the end of exploitation of people by other people. And any collaborative initiatives are communist (or perhaps Marxist?). :-) As long as people aren't being forced by well, force or cirumstances to agree to stuff.
I have no idea why everyone equates communism with taxation.
The only known implementation used taxes, but they were trying to get rid of the money altogether, as well as the state. Didn't work out in the end though.
Anarchism is sometimes (a lot of times) a kind of communism.
To wuote wikipedia:

Communism is a specific stage of socioeconomic development predicated upon a superabundance of material wealth, which is postulated to arise from advances in production technology and corresponding changes in the social relations of production. This would allow for distribution based on need and social relations based on freely-associated individuals.
The term "communist society" should be distinguished from the Western concept of the "communist state", the latter referring to a state ruled by a party which professes a variation of Marxism–Leninism.

Complementing each other with personal strengths is good enough justification for a 50/50 collaboration totally agree with that.
Very informative post.

Great post, and much appreciated, this suits these last few days discussion about fairness