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RE: Karma… Without the Mysticism.

in #philosophy7 years ago

i think you notice that people get what they are. and what you are is carried with you into the next life. i guess I believe that, know that, because I have felt different my whole life. I wasn't like others. so that caused me to look at life differently and question why things where so.

perhaps you didn't have this experience, and that led to different view, which is understandable. each has their own view, but if you could see it as clearly as I do now, you wouldn't question the reality of it.

if I where to ask you to notice anything, it is that there are no accidents. only perfectly aligned events. it is only after you dive deep into your unconscious that you start to see how you are bringing all the crap into your life. it is easier to see in others. like those that talk about sickness the most have it. those that talk the most about money have it. whatever you put your attention on matters.

your attention is all the power you have, but it is all the power of the universe.

didn't make a dent did I? or maybe I planted a seed. one can hope, but never expect.

life isn't yours to do as you will, yet it is yours to express your will. we are all part of the same one, so it isn't some outside force 'punishing you' but bringing you what you are. what you give to another you give to yourself.

when you judge another, you judge yourself. if you do this, it sets yourself up for internal criticism.