Empowering Yourself Through Assertiveness: The Importance of Communicating Boundaries

in #philosophy2 years ago

DALL·E 2023-03-27 18.11.00 - A women being pressured on a date with a rich man, digital art.png

Recently, a friend shared a story with me about a date she went on. After spending the evening with a guy, she felt obligated to go home with him, even though she didn't want to. She explained that the guy was oblivious to her lack of interest, and she felt pressured to oblige because he had spent a lot of money on their date.

She knew that she didn't want to go home with him, but the thought of rejecting him felt impossible. After all, he had spent a considerable amount of money on her that evening, and she didn't want to seem ungrateful or rude. But what she failed to realize was that her compliance was not only damaging to herself, but it was also unfair to the man who had taken her out.

It is not the responsibility of others to read our minds and intuit our thoughts and feelings. We must take ownership of our agency and express ourselves clearly and unambiguously. By doing so, we can avoid the pitfall of feeling powerless and trapped in situations that do not serve our best interests.

Our actions and words are our own, and we must be accountable for them. Believing that we lack the power to say no at any given moment is to deny our humanity and to live as a slave to circumstance. We must embrace our power to choose, to express ourselves, and to live fully as conscious, mature adults. For only by doing so can we truly claim agency over our lives and become the masters of our own destiny.


It is not the responsibility of others to read our minds and intuit our thoughts and feelings. We must take ownership of our agency and express ourselves clearly and unambiguously
