The modern world is often characterized by three powerful forces: banks, pharmaceutical companies, and governments. Each of these forces has a different sphere of influence, yet they all share one fundamental objective: to retain their power and control over the masses. This control is maintained by ensuring that the people remain in debt, in poor health, and legally vulnerable.
The banks are perhaps the most obvious example of this phenomenon. The history of banking is one of exploitation and manipulation. Since the establishment of the first banks, their primary goal has been to create debt and use it as a means of control. Throughout history, banks have implemented a range of schemes and tactics to keep people in debt. From the establishment of the Federal Reserve to the proliferation of credit cards, the banks have made it incredibly easy for people to become trapped in a cycle of debt that seems impossible to escape.
Pharmaceutical companies are another example of powerful forces that have a vested interest in keeping people sick. From the earliest times, humans have used plants and natural remedies to heal themselves. However, the advent of modern medicine has turned this traditional approach to healing on its head. Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars each year to develop drugs that are designed to treat symptoms rather than cure diseases. They have little interest in finding permanent solutions to health problems because curing people would mean the end of their profits.
Governments are the final piece of this puzzle. They have the power to create laws and regulations that benefit the banks and pharmaceutical companies, while simultaneously limiting the freedoms of the people. Throughout history, governments have been responsible for some of the worst atrocities against humanity. From the Holocaust to the Trail of Tears, governments have shown time and again that they have no qualms about committing heinous crimes in the name of power and control.
Through the manipulation of financial systems, the propagation of ineffective medical treatments, and the establishment of oppressive laws, these forces maintain their power and control over the masses. It is up to each of us to recognize this reality and work towards creating a society that values truth, freedom, and equality over power and control. As Thomas Jefferson said, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."