Are We Really Living Our Own Lives?

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Are we really living our own lives? Or are we living "their" program for life with distractions preventing us from changing for the better?

The majority of the populace don't seem to understand the powers that be, controllers, manipulators, globalists, elites, etc., "them" and "they", want us to be focused on pleasure, enjoyment, gratification, amusement, etc., the "American Dream", the "pursuit of happiness", focused on what "feels-good" and not what actually really is good.

Time in life is limited. What we use our time for, will increase that in our life. When we focus our free time on personal pleasures, enjoyment or comfort, then we are not focusing our time, attention or energy on other things that can evolve our consciousness to understand reality accurately and how to change things effectively. We are paying attention and spending time. I have talked about these real currencies and the real capital in our lives before. If I could better search my content, I could possibly find it and link it up here.

Even if you think you understand enough, where you think you reached a certain point on the path and decide to pitch your tent and stay there, possibly build a house. Preferring to go back to the comfortable life of enjoyment and not continue along the hard, narrow arduous hardships of finding more deep understanding about truth, and specifically, moral truth. If you do this, you will have stopped your journey up the mountain of truth to understand more about yourself, the issues in our world, and how to overcome them. It takes a long time to understand the complexity of psychological ("spiritual") and physical ("material") condition we are in.

Do you understand why things do not change?


We go in circles each generation. The overly-emphasized desire in our lives to “enjoy” and "live” life, “connect” with others, and “get along” so we don’t make waves or rock the boat, is a "right-brain" emotional imbalance to favor being liked in order to promote survival at the expense of truth-reality-existence being known and shared as a common foundation for living.

This has imbalances towards the "left-brain" modality as well, with us focusing on the tree and not the forest bigger picture of our collective co-created condition, just focusing on our selfish personal success in social relations or cooperative survival, and our circle of people in our lives. The larger issues aren't talked about due to the group-think and pressure to conform.

If we go against the grain, no matter how false or wrong it is, our social groups and relations can turn against us, pressuring us to conform to the way things are, leading to tension, pressure, interference and conflict which disturb and can even fracture relationships. Speaking the truth to falsity is a dangerous game. People have been persecuted and executed for it int he past.

There is an over-emphasis on the “enjoy life”, “oneness”, “connected”, “universal love” train being pushed in society to blindly "unite" with others, not based on substantive truth and morality in our lives, but simply based on the whims of our baser instincts to do things that "feel-good". We avoid facing and fight things or people that take us away from that "feel-good" infatuation and pleasure trap, telling us things we don't want to hear.

If you live your life by base lower consciousness R-Complex and limbic systems overriding your higher order consciousness thinking, then are you really living at the potential of a human being? You're not making choices yourself really. You're being lead around by your "feelings", gratification, enjoyment, having fun, bliss, adventure, etc.

If you like some things that I like, then we do them together and we both like it and like each other, forming connections through interaction and time spent together. This builds a relationship. We get focused on our personal relationships with others, and keeping that sustained and falsely "healthy" by not speaking truth to others. We don't "rock the boat", and we "keep the peace".

So if you want to build relationships, you find things in common with other people to do. But how many people are finding others who share the importance of truth and morality with each other? How many are working together to understand and spread this understanding to others? Where is the basis and foundation in reality to build substantive connections and relations that can withstand being confronted with truths they are ignoring or denying?

We then focus on "feeling-good" about ourselves, our lives, the way things are, not thinking more, not questioning, and then there is less pressure for things to change. "They", the controllers behind the curtain, can keep being the masters, dominators and controllers of our collective lives. In this capacity, we are not really living our own lives.

We keep ourselves locked in a prison of our own making in large part. We police each other and ourselves to not step out of line with our socially engineered condition of living. We imprison ourselves in our minds, afraid of what to say to others for fear they will dislike us, reject us, or abandon us, leaving us alone.

Steemit suffers from this as well with respect to fear of flags from whales affecting reputation and payout. On social platforms and social situations, fear is a large factor in determining our decisions and actions.

People go from polarities within the two extremes, in double imbalance yet through one way of living life.

Partially "left-brain" imbalanced living of little concern for the greater suffering in the world, our responsibility in creating it, or doing anything about it, by just living our life and enjoying it without being empowered to know how to create real change.

And partially "right-brain" emotional imbalanced living with everything being just an “experience”, to just “enjoy” and “live” life, we’re all “one” and “connected”, the world is “perfect”, etc. blind openness and again the inability to create real change because of lack of knowledge on how to do it. When you believe everything is already perfect, or your blinded by how "great" everything is in your own personal life, there is no need for anything to change, to learn, because everything is already great!

There are other dynamics of dual imbalances at play in many of us, myself included. We can "alchemically" work on ourselves to remove these imbalances in our way of thinking and living, to instead harmonize the conflicting duality and unite them as one harmonious way of living in non-contradiction. Go logic! :)


2016-12-28, 12:16pm


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Thanks again!

This is why I "rock the boat" .. Thank you, I hope everyone reads this..

I have another post I was writing yesterday on rocking the boat specifically, but I already did this psychology/philosophy, and the New Years Eve psychology/philosophy related post, so I think I'll pass until tomorrow hehe. Thank you for the support! It's important understanding for people to grasp, and unfortunately... few want to look into this part of our lives... :(

@jamesc HI James, I wrote an article about a growth hack for steemit and it is not piickig up steem as I had hoped. Maybe you can support it? That would mean a lot to me.

  1. truth us subjective.

  2. we always live life through others. it is inevitable since we are social animals.

How about objective truth like the stuff we can see / touch? Describing it is subjective I guess, but these things are objectively there, existing.. I've always had trouble with the definition.

In a way they are. If you take in consideration the string theory principle, matter as we know it right now, under these physical constituents, is nothing more that a version of a form.

Also two people from different cultures can see an object and assign a completely different interpretation to it. A king might see a table as a place for festivites. A woman that has been raped by her father on it as a place of pain and suffering.

Humans do not function based on truth but based on narratives, stories. Little does it matter if someone The story behind it is what counts. it is always about perspective

I think the easiest way to put it - do what you really love and care about. The hard part is to be consistent about one's stance, I guess. And that takes time, because recognizing and consolidating double standards are the hardest things to do.

Very interesting post. I'm not sure how many of us truly live the life that we want. It's a goal to try to do so as much as we can but there are factors that prevent almost everyone from doing so.

Thanks for the feedback. :) There are many physical and cognitive barriers around us.

An excellent job of summing up what's wrong with the world in a few short paragraphs. Great work-

Thank you very much :D Spread the word if you like! heheh

Alright @krnel - so we know what is wrong with the world - how do we FIX it?

Learning how to think and learning how to learn better, enables us to accurately learn about reality instead of believing in fantasies that affect how we behave and act. This requires learning about consciousness, psychology, language, philosophy and then going from there with a solid grounding in the basics. Until people get to that point, there are not other solutions based in nonviolence. How long does this take? It depends on how many people choose to do this. I do it. I have been for 10 years learning, and 3 years teaching. What happens if other people don't do the same? Things won't get fixed the way I suggest, and people want things "now", so they try to coerce, threaten of violate others with violence to get certain things done. People need to be on the same page, through consensus of information sharing. So how to do all of this? Share information about these basic aspects of life that everyone takes fro granted and "Assumes" they already know all they need to know, no need to learn more, and just don't, so they spend time doing others things, like I mention in this post.

Great Article @krnel the insight you give should get more attention. high fives Was reading this with some green tea and Mozart, thanks for the good vibe.

Haha! Thanks for the feedback. This is my real job and work in life that I used to get no $$ reward for :D ... and where you at? You're up, but not online.

Just finishing up the morning routine of Green tea and Mozart and meditation. I will be on discord soon.

Very powerful post. I'm resteeming.

Thank you very much for the support :D

Here's the devil's advocate:
I sincerely doubt there is a Universal Truth, and I know there is no unchanging Moral Law.
Freedom & Anarchy versus Control and Slavery is a false dichotomy. Some people are happier with some guidance; there's a whole world inbetween the extremes you describe.
Why would you bother people that think everything is great and who are truly happy with what they have and think? Even I couldn't muster the arrogance needed to be that violent.
You should consider that your Truth may not be everybody's truth. It's not mine, anyway.

Define what you are trying to say by the term "universal truth".

Never mind, I see you don't grasp reality by explicitly saying I am being "violent" just by speaking words that don't invite any violence... wow. Good day and good luck to you.

"Why would you bother people that think everything is great and who are truly happy with what they have and think? Even I couldn't muster the arrogance needed to be that violent."

It is a "you" in the general sense, nothing to do with you @krnel personally, not an uncommon use of the word in my reality. Replace it by "one" if it bothers you.
Trying to "educate" truly happy people because they don't see the "Truth" as defined by somebody else can be violent, I stand by that.
And don't worry about my "grasp of reality", I'm fine, really, just grasping another reality than yours, and why not, there are so many to choose from.

I explained it to you before. You are a moral absolutist and you think that there is some kind of absolute truth. glad others are telling you as well.

you couldn't be more wrong my friend.

"how many people are finding others who share the importance of truth and morality with each other?"
I'd say quite a lot actually, in fact probably 99% of humanity. There are all the religions for a start - though obviously they all have completely different ideas of "truths" and vastly differing moralities. Your post to me, reads like one of those " wise" religious leaders claiming to be "knowledgeable" and that have found the one truth...... proselytizing for their own particular brand. I would count myself as one very interested in the nature of reality and find Science to be my guide, rather than "Spirituality" or "Alchemy"and such.
"Define what you are trying to say by the term "universal truth"."
How about you define some of your own terms?
Define Spirituality.......
Define lower and higher Consciousness in scientific terms........and explain how the latter is achieved?
You are apparently essentially saying most people are too selfish to achieve the level of consciousness that you have, so we have to act like you in order to correct this. The arrogance is astounding.
As you are claiming to be using scientific tools, such as logic, then please explain in what way this is any kind of philosophy and why it is any different from any other religious/spiritual sales pitch? If you cannot, then may I suggest that this post be more correctly tagged as Religion/Spirituality, rather than Philosophy. Thanks

I put spiritual in quotes because its so ambiguous, but I could. I'm not sure you're actually interested though give then tone of your argument. "Spiritual" = moral. "Spirituality" = morality. "Spiritually" = morally". Anyone who believes they can be "spiritual" (whatever that means to them) while doing harm, is a fool. I don't care about any of the other definitions as they are based in belief.

You can say everyone in humanity is concerned with truth and morality, passively, by default. Not actively to learn and understand it more and figure out what is wrong around us so that the quality and condition of our lives can be improved.

You also attempt to denigrate the meaning of the post by associating alchemy and whatever you think "spirituality" means as hogwash without any substantive meaning in reality. I used the terms in quotes, did that allude your understanding of why I quoted them? I can't be repeating every single definition from previous work in all new work.

Most people don't care about truth or morality, actively, and simply passively think they already have what they need, and don't go out seeking it. I know this, because I live around people. I try to get people to care for truth and actively learn. Zip. "They know it all" is how they act, not me, lol, how silly of you to think the opposite. I recognize I need to learn, and do so, while others don't want to. Again this demonstrates your general attitude. You already viewed me poorly from not understanding words I used, and then proceeded with your attack. Nice try. Have good one. Peace.

Let's ignore tone shall we? I specifically asked about what "spirituality"means to you, because everyone seems to give it different meanings. So, spirituality is equivalent to morality - that's your definition? I do wonder why you didn't just use the word morality though, if that's what you meant? So reading your first paragraph, you are saying that anybody who has a moral code that permits harm does not in fact have a moral code....right? You further state that these non-moral codes can be dismissed as they are based on "belief".
The problem with this line of reasoning is that your position is an "Absolutist" moral philosophy, most commonly adopted by the religious, people of "faith" or in other words a "belief" system - the grounds you just dismissed your "non-moral" philosophies on.
These other philosophic positions that do permit harm ( in order to do the least harm to others, prevent even greater harm etc) are more of a "Stoic" position. This is the opposite of the "Absolutist"belief system you are advocating.
"You already viewed me poorly from not understanding words I used, and then proceeded with your attack. "
Excuse me, I have not attacked you and it would have been clearer had you said what you actually meant ie morality, rather than a word that can apparently mean anything anybody wants it to. Peace to you too.

Truth or moral truth that is The Only Truth.