Changing the Momentum of Our Conditioned Ways

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

When something feels wrong, listen to the emotion. Emotions are signals. We can feel the wrongs being done, an we can know they are wrong. This is our compass in life for the path we and others walk and create into.

Emotions as signals and cues tell us either something is wrong with our perception of reality that needs to be corrected, or something is wrong with the human reality we have created that needs to be corrected. Take the intuitive, non-reflective subconscious "feeling" from the dark unconscious, unable to really know what it is, and dig into it with the reflective light of logic and reason to become consciously aware of what is actually wrong.


We need to have the courage to face reality honestly, in it's beauty and horror, positive and negative, light and dark, good and evil, morality and immorality. Not to ignore the negative because it;s negative.

We must accept the darkness, demon, negative, evil and immorality is there, both in reality and in ourselves. Then we can shine the healing light of truth and morality to no longer be led or motivated to act by that darkness. We can free ourselves from the negative clutches we were previously unaware of.

This is a tried and tested ancient methodology that has been esoterically passed down through occulted and encoded symbolism. Knowledge of this process can also be used to prevent such transformative change from occurring on the planet. Such has been the bastardized goal of these mystery schools that were all eventually infiltrated with their useful knowledge corrupted and perverted for selfish gains at the expense of others.

Instead of helping to liberate humanity into enlightened thought capacities, the controllers have been keeping this transformative process hidden in order to keep us under the influence and control of the flow and current of the mainstream. We just keep flowing along the current course that is set, set by hidden hands of power. We go along to get along, because the stream of society that we live within is strong and pulls us in a certain direction.

The stream of the normalized acceptability spectrum of our society and way of life, acts as a current to continue to produce the current condition of reality as it is. We are all picked up as objects in the current of the stream and flow of society. We have individuals goals, but also collective goal we may or may not be aware of that we head towards.

This is the natural tendency and flow of our lives, to go with the flow of society, and not against it, or risk ostracism, shunning and expulsion from social group acceptance. We are absorbed into the collective stream and relative morality of how things currently are. How things are, equates to the current truth about the current condition (though not necessarily the true path and way to live). We equate what we accept as reality, as truth, and as such, the truth is seen as "good" and "ordered" as well, even though it might not be.

Truth, morality, and other higher principles of living, are often disregarded in favor of attachment to maintaining alignment and adherence to the collective stream, current and flow of the norms within society, or a particular social group.

To change with truth against the falsity in society, is hard. There is resistance to the change. Change is controversial. Inertia is a law that applies in our lives in this respect. Objects in motion stay in motion unless a force acts upon it to change. Society is a huge stream, with a direction of motion and lots of momentum behind it.

If we want things to change anywhere, be it real world society or Steem society, then momentum in a different direction needs to be applied. We can act in different ways. If not enough people move in a different direction to change the current path and no longer participate in the current way, then we can abdicate and remove support from creating the current path in order to reduce its power and influence in our lives.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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This post really hit on several things of importance.

Emotions as signals and cues tell us either something is wrong with our perception of reality that needs to be corrected, or something is wrong with the human reality we have created that needs to be corrected.

We briefly talked on another of your posts about the internal dialogue, and how many ancient systems warn of allowing it to roam undisciplined. In some of the psychology texts I studied when I was young, the one thing I found truthful (not a big fan of most psychology) was I before E, intellect before emotion. In order for there to be the emotion, a thought must give birth to it. This is a powerful thing to understand and is crucial for those who wish any degree of discipline.

Take the intuitive, non-reflective subconscious "feeling" from the dark unconscious, unable to really know what it is, and dig into it with the reflective light of logic and reason to become consciously aware of what is actually wrong.

When I was a teen, they made me take an IQ test and I was more shocked than anyone when it came back at genius level. I had always felt stupid because I was disinterested in school and never fit in with the false energy I felt in groups. As I grew older, I realized what was giving this false impression of intelligence was my ability to connect with my intuition and have the strength to embrace what it showed me, no matter how poorly of a light it shed on me or unfortunately, others.

It is a difficult task to see oneself stripped of the illusions of justifications for wrong actions. I remember back when I was blindly accepting Christianity I had begun to wonder if the truth wasn't that we needed God to forgive us, but we needed to learn to forgive ourselves.

This post could so easily be applied to the classic tale found in the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna in tears as he sees everyone he loves on the battlefield ready to do battle with him. He ponders the value of warring with everyone he holds dear to do what he feels is right. All of us are Arjuna on that battlefield, that battlefield one we step back onto every day.

then we can abdicate and remove support from creating the current path in order to reduce its power and influence in our lives.

Sadly, having taken this route most of my life I have found that even those who should be closest to us will ostracize you and consider you a black sheep to be wary of for not hooking your energy to the agreements they try to force on you.

Thank you for another well thought out post from the heart. I look forward to your posts as they always touch upon connections, not momentary distractions as many prefer.

You're welcome. Glad to provide valuable content for you and others to appreciate :)

Yup, I before E is helpful. Emotion = Thought + Meaning, expressed as feelings ;) Be it conscious or unconscious thought for emotions. Feelings can happen without any thought, in automatic manners. Step on a nail and the feeling is felt, no need for emotion there ;)

Life is a battlefield indeed, the only proper justification is when morality is being upheld as the ruler and authority ;)


Realistic attitude does not mean that we accept reality just like that. We study the situation with its realists so that we can adjust to the demands of the basic principles. In other words, a realistic attitude must coincide with a critical attitude. Moral responsibility requires that we continually improve what is there to be fairer, more in line with human dignity, and so that people can be happier. Basic moral principles are the critical norms we place on the situation. Critical attitude also needs to be of all kinds of power, power and authority in society. We are not submissive, we can not and should not surrender our responsibility to them. The use of any authority must be in accordance with justice and aim to create conditions so that more people can be happier. Never human dignity can be sacrificed. Beyond that purpose their authority ceased. Similarly, all kinds of traditional moral rules need to be critically filtered out. The rules have been aimed at ensuring justice and directing people's lives to happiness. But does it still work that way or has it become a tool to defend circumstances that are just unjust and even bring suffering ?.
Real moral responsibility demands realistic and critical attitudes. The guidelines are to guarantee justice and create a state of society that opens up greater possibilities of members to build a life that is freer from suffering and happier. In reality these attitudes are indeed very difficult to implement but with a unanimous determination and a firm belief. And in a way we always train ourselves to always practice and maintain those attitudes. So with the passage of time these attitudes will be easy to apply by itself. And thus we will surely become a personal person who has solid ethics and morals.

Morality can indeed be unanimously lived by and create a freer way of life from suffering.

Principles are like compass directions. As a direction, we can hold on to principles that have been compiled in living without having to confuse direction because the principle can give clear direction and direction to each of our lives. A good leader or leader is a principled leader. Because a principled leader will definitely be directed in carrying out his duties as a leader.
Every Individual is required to have good moral principles that is an obligation when a person has a strong moral principle then the person's person will also be as strong. A person who has a strong moral will be able to be judged both around him and will be easy to socialize with the community. Because a person who has a good personality morality can virtually respect himself by himself. Therefore the importance of moral principles in order to build a strong person is very important and needed by every human being so that he did not have a bad influence in the community.

Moral principles are key for changing int he right direction.

This is the natural tendency and flow of our lives, to go with the flow of society, and not against it, or risk ostracism, shunning and expulsion from social group acceptance.

Not sure if you know anything about the Myers Briggs personality type indicator... There are 8 different brain functions and the momentum you speak of is perpetuated by the large population of people whose primary functions are extroverted feeling, extroverted thinking, and extroverted sensing. These people tend to lack introspection, so it's unlikely they will change. My primary brain function is introverted feeling, which outwardly looks aloof and detached. I am quickly ostracized from every group I meet in person because of this.

Yes, and they need the approval or others and feeling like they are accepted to derive self-worth and value. Luckily for those of us who are introverted, as I am, we can handle being alone better, and enjoy it too. We are less dependent on needing others for our self worth, and are less likely to feel the pressure to conform.

We need to have the courage to face reality honestly, in it's beauty and horror, positive and negative, light and dark, good and evil, morality and immorality. Not to ignore the negative because it;s negative.

such a truism, and too quickly overlooked.
The tendency to see only what we want to, and not what is actually there, is a tool used to keep the people blinded.

Focus on just the good things, is an easy sell by the powerful manipulators.
People are averse to seeing the bad things, and it doesn't take much persuasion to only see things through this prism.

And so the mind control begins..

Emotions knows the truth of things.

It is no coincidence that 'the system' does everything it can, to disconnect us from them..

good post, sir!

Hi, I'm Shawn. Nice to meet you. :)

The tendency to see only what we want to, and not what is actually there, is a tool used to keep the people blinded.

Oh no, that one's a freebie. :)

Focus on just the good things, is an easy sell by the powerful manipulators.

No, thats the lazy manipulator's way of taking advantage of the naive. The most powerful tool of the "power manipulators" is the understanding that people will tell you everything you need to know to manipulate them.

Hell, this is an open-non secret that's even been put to music and become a top 40 smash hit:


Emotion need to be listened to, to look at ourselves or reality more closely, but 'it' doesn't know the truth of things automatically. People are easily fooled by emotions and following what feels "good" or "right".

People are easily fooled by emotions and following what feels "good" or "right".

...enter the SJW.
Non thinking emotional response automatons.

Change is life. Water of a pond gets contaminated in a long run because it is stationery while the current of a stream is always pure because it is in running stage. As a human beings we have confined ourselves to the old books and stereotype society where we don't give enough respect to values. We rather tend to follow the easiest path. It is not an easy thing for everyone to be a leader. That is why be have only one Buddha, one Christ, one Gandhi etc. An individual can be enlightened but a mob can never be enlightened. We need to find the individuals.

Change always happens, but the flow of falsity can keep us locked into it. We need to create a different stream to change into, and seek to be better as we go forward.

Great and thorough post! I think observation has to be the first step of any project like this, otherwise even seeing the momentum becomes very difficult.

Yes, we have to be able to perceive what is happening, or else there is no possible way to change what is happening ;)

Hello sir what's up
Upvote and resteemid done 👍

Emotion, our basis to change our society. Wow..i like the message.

Wow what a great insight. Thank you for sharing I will try this.

Thanks for the information sir.

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