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RE: The Three Types of You: Body, Consciousness, and Ego

in #philosophy8 years ago

Yes, you can't kill ego, ego is "I", look up the etymology. It's self. Ego, self, personality, identity are all shaped from environment conditioning. The self can be corrupted, bad, or function better, like negative ego and positive ego. Without an ego-I-self construct, you wouldn't be a you, you would be a nothingness of pure consciousness awareness lol. Dissociating with our identity can achieve states of blank identification with a personal individual I-ness, and instead a universal impersonal I-ness as being one with everything. The ego-I-self is always there. Thinking you can kill yourself by the ego-death killing is silly. I view it differently, but thank for the feedback.


Made a little spelling out there I meant "than" not "then" :D What a significant diffrence in the whole context...